首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 没人能够长期离得开干炸黄豆或一碗热滋滋的辣椒油中的海鲈鱼片。

    No one , it seems , need go for long without dry-fried beans or a bowlful of sliced sea bass in a sea of sizzling chilli oil .

  2. 把粉放在热水里焯几秒钟,然后放入碗里,配上炸黄豆、酸菜、肉、蔬菜,如果你愿意还可以撒上些辣椒。

    They put the noodles into hot water for a brief blanch for seconds , and put it into a bowl with some fry soy beans , pickles , meat , vegetable , also chillies if you like .