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tǔ dòu sī
  • shredded potatoes
  1. 做一个花椰菜版的土豆丝饼。

    Experiment with cauliflower to make hash browns .

  2. 那是洋葱煎饼(2.50欧元)的味道,饼里有洋葱丝、土豆丝和奶酪,出自拉斯帕伊有机农作物市场(MarchéBiologiqueRaspail)数十个摊位之一。

    It 's the onion galettes - shredded onion , potato and cheese ( 2.50 euros ) - frying at one of the dozens of stands at the March é Biologique Raspail .

  3. 星期五弗雷迪为五个奇怪的朋友炸法国式土豆丝。

    Freddie fried French fries for five funny friends on Friday .

  4. 我已经用它来做炝土豆丝了。

    I already used it to make my potato dish .

  5. 我们想要点土豆丝。

    We would like some potato chips .

  6. 丙:奶酪包和油炸土豆丝。

    C : Cheeseburger and fries .

  7. 不论午餐还是晚餐,你可能发现菜单上有炸土豆丝。

    With lunch or dinner , you may notice " French fries " on the menu .

  8. 我是土豆丝司。

    I am Tudou Sisi .

  9. 虽然菜单上不是每道菜都是纽约市最好吃的——青椒土豆丝就很一般——但它整体的烹饪活力和多样性大大弥补了这一点。

    And while not every dish on the menu is the best in town - the shredded potatoes with green peppers are pretty bland - the overall energy and variety of the cooking more than makes up for it .