
  • 网络adobe;Adobe House
  1. 这个是一座土坯房。

    This is an adobe house .

  2. 地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结筑,在受灾区只留下一片废墟。

    The quake leveled entire towns , flattening the simple adobe , brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble .

  3. 这次地震摧毁了许多偏远乡村的土坯房。

    The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages .

  4. 地震夷平了整个城镇,摧毁了简易土坯房和砖结构建筑,只留下一片废墟。

    The quake leveled entire towns , flattening .

  5. 土坯房也被浸泡在水中,数百万人逃难。

    Mud houses are submerged , millions have fled .

  6. 当时,有着数百年历史的美国印第安人土坯房和印第安人村落在那一地区星罗棋布。

    Adobe buildings and pueblos built by American Indians hundreds of years earlier dotted the landscape .

  7. 她说,有至少32座房屋被毁,主要位于圣马科斯省,当地的建筑通常是不够稳固的土坯房。

    At least 32 houses were destroyed , mainly in San Marcos , she said , where construction is often unstable adobe .

  8. 想家时是依恋家乡土坯房里最初的哭泣,最初的微笑;

    When being homesick is feel regret at parting from in the adobe house of home village initial sobbing , initial the smile ;

  9. 这个来自安徽的民工用从废墟中收集的木块,家具和其他材料建起了他的土坯房。

    This migrant worker from Anhui province has constructed his abode from wood scraps , furniture , and other materials gathered from rubble .

  10. 另外根据粪便的新鲜程度,推测野生大熊猫经常光顾这些土坯房或棚子等简易建筑。

    Based on the examination of the freshness of panda 's droppings , it can be conferred that wild pandas are frequently visiting those simple buildings .

  11. 结果①住土坯房,噪音,潮湿,泥土、砖石及其他地面饮用井水与银屑病的发生呈正相关(P<001);

    Results It was found that : ① Risk factors for psoriasis included mud room , noise , damp , brick , soil and other floor , drinking of well water ( P < 0.01 );

  12. 我家住在村子的山坡上,一间土坯的矮房。

    My family lives in the village hillside , a adobe dwarf room .