
  1. 有些食物可以在盆里长得很好,比如生菜、西红柿、土豆和胡萝卜。

    Some food can grow well in pots , including lettuce , tomatoes , potatoes and carrots .

  2. 土豆、胡萝卜和豆角儿都是蔬菜。

    Potatoes , carrots , and beans are vegetables .

  3. 蔬菜品种繁多,像卷心菜、新鲜豌豆、土豆、胡萝卜等。

    A wide variety of vegetables , like cabbage , fresh peas , potatoes , carrots and so on .

  4. 不是英国人挨饿了,英国有大量的牛肉和羊肉,土豆和胡萝卜等等。

    Not that Londoners are starving : the United Kingdom has plenty of lamb and beef , potatoes and carrots .

  5. 好吧,你把土豆把胡萝卜刮了在把这些葡萄。

    Juan Carlos : Okay , you can scrub these potatoes , peel the carrots , and rinse these grapes .

  6. 爱吃牛肉,猪肉及水产品,常吃土豆,胡萝卜等,饮酒颇有讲究。

    Love to eat beef , pork and aquatic products , eat potatoes , carrots and so on , is quite particular about drinking .

  7. 每天至少要吃八份豆科类和块根类食物,如土豆、胡萝卜和粗加工的谷类食品。

    Eat at least eight daily servings of legumes , root vegetables such as potatoes and carrots & and minimally processed grains and cereals .

  8. 在块根类蔬菜如土豆,胡萝卜和瑞典芜菁,另外芝麻中也含有的锌元素,是头发生长所必需的。

    Zinc , found in root vegetables including potatoes , carrots and swedes and also in sesame seeds , is needed for hair growth .

  9. 薯片做法:下次你给土豆、胡萝卜、苹果还有其他根茎类蔬菜削皮的时候,把皮保留下来。在橄榄油里拌一拌,加点香料。然后放单层烤箱里烘烤到400华氏度,烤至棕黄脆嫩,约莫8到10分钟。

    As chips : The next time you peel a potato , carrot , apples , or any other root vegetable , save the peels 。 Toss them with olive oil and some spices 。 And then bake them in a single layer in a 400 degree F oven , until browned and crispy , about 8 to 10 minutes 。

  10. 他们吃了由两个土豆、两根胡萝卜和洋白菜做的糊。

    They ate a mash of 2 potatoes , 2 carrots & cabbage

  11. 尤其是炒蟹粉(stir-friedcrabmeat),俨然是餐饮艺术的杰作:它由土豆泥、胡萝卜以及蛋清加入姜丝爆炒而成,色香味俱浓。

    The crabmeat in particular is a wonder of culinary artifice : a rich tumble of mashed potato , carrot and egg white with ginger .

  12. 澳大利亚牛眼肉配以土豆泥,胡萝卜,芦笋和黑胡椒汁。

    On a bed of Cheese Potato Mash , Grilled Baby Carrots , Asparagus and Black pepper Jus .

  13. 阿历克斯:我在烤土豆,煮些胡萝卜,再烤个小排。

    Alex : I 'm baking some potatoes , boiling some carrots and grilling a steak .

  14. 本周目标:学习土豆,洋葱,胡萝卜,绿辣椒、红辣椒,西红柿和黄瓜。

    Goal of the week : To learn : Potatoes , onions , carrots , green and red peppers , tomatoes and cucumbers .

  15. 对土豆、白菜、胡萝卜、苹果、橘子、黄瓜以及大米进行了97种农药的加标回收检测。

    To evaluate the performance of the ( system ), 97 target pesticides were spiked into a range of food including potato , cabbage , carrot , apple ,( orange ), cucumber and rice .