
  • 网络Whole chicken
  1. 全鸡废渣经特定工艺提取,制成含18种氨基酸的鸡水解蛋白,其氨基酸组分与市售进口某名牌纯鸡精类同,含牛磺酸0.1%。

    There were eighteen amino acids of the hydro - protein of chicken , which had extracted by a special method from the waste residue of the whole chicken .

  2. 烤全鸡每只60美分。

    Entire roast chickens were sixty cents apiece .

  3. 学校也不得不定期请官员们吃全鸡大餐,或是去河里捞鳟鱼招待他们。

    And schools were expected to treat officials regularly to a good lunch of chicken or trout from the river .

  4. 锅中倒入大半锅水,以大火煮滚,放入全鸡氽烫,捞出。

    Add chicken , mushroom , scallion , ginger and seasoning A in a casserole , water to over , covered .

  5. 我们要贵酒店所有的名菜,包括最有名的“八宝全鸡”。

    We want all the famous dishes in your hotel including the most famous " Whole Roast Chicken With Eight Treasures " .

  6. 肯德基全是鸡,马铃薯,卷心菜,小点心

    KFC is all chicken , potatoes , cole slaw , biscuits

  7. 品种最全的鸡眼镜供应商。

    Chicken and most complete supplier of glasses .

  8. 金回应说全世界吃鸡块都是蘸蜂蜜的。

    Kim 's response suggested that the entire planet dips their chicken nuggets in honey .

  9. 全世界的爱鸡之人,联合起来!

    Chicken lovers of the world , unite !