
quán sǔn
  • total loss
全损[quán sǔn]
  1. 仅保船舶协定和或协商和或推定全损险

    Compromised andor arranged andor constructive total loss of vessel only

  2. 船舶失视为实际全损。

    Such missing shall be deemed to be an actual total loss .

  3. 我们打算按人民币5000元的金额对货物投保全损险。

    We are to have the goods Insure against total loss only for rmb 5000 .

  4. 在实际全损的情况下,不比发送委付通知。

    In case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given .

  5. 当我们的运货遭遇到全损或分损时,该怎么办呢?

    What should we do when our shipment has been totally lost or partially damaged ?

  6. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。

    Unconformity with your instructions , we have have the goods insure against total loss only .

  7. 全损可能是实际全损或推定全损。

    A total loss may be either a actual total loss , or constructive total loss .

  8. 关于全损的法律问题研究论海上保险中的推定全损与委付制度

    Study on the Legal Issues Related to Total Loss On Constructive Total Loss and Abandonment in Marine Insurance

  9. 因此,由于寨马里海盗捆押货物而主张货物全损不能成立。

    Therefore , the total loss claim was denied due to the seizure of the goods by Somali pirates .

  10. 以自修复飞控系统为例,利用推力矢量进行了方向舵全损故障下的重构研究。

    A case of a self-repairing flight control system is studied which use thrust vectoring control to replace damaged rudder .

  11. 被保人有权根据推定全损对部分损失提出索赔。

    The Named Insured shall have the right to claim for a Partial Loss in lieu of a Constructive Total Loss .

  12. 推定全损与委付是一对密不可分的、用以相互平衡海上保险合同双方利益的制度。

    They are a couple of inseparable system which can balance the interests of the both parties of the marine insurance contract .

  13. 在寨马里海盗行为发生后,对于被海盗劫持的货物能否认定为全损,英国法院给予了最新的解读和判决。

    After the appearance of Somali pirates , UK courts provided a new understanding and judgment tor the total loss of goods seized by the pirates .

  14. 全损可以为实际全损,或者推定全损。仅保船舶协定和或协商和或推定全损险

    A total loss may be either an actual total loss , or a constructive total loss . Compromised andor arranged andor constructive total loss of vessel only

  15. 平安险最初只赔偿全部损失,经过实践中的不断补充修订,其责任范围逐渐超出了全损的范围,扩展到部分损失,但其承保范围扩展到部分损失时剔除了单独海损。

    F.P.A. initially only covers total loss , then gradually extended to partial loss after longtime practice , but it excluded particular average at the very beginning .

  16. 除非保险单条款另有不同的意思,全损险除承保实际全损外,还承保推定全损。

    Unless a different intention appears from the terms of the policy , an insurance against total loss includes a constructive , as well as an actual , total loss .

  17. 在海上保险中,保险标的发生全损,保险人可能会享有两种权利:代位求偿权和对保险标的的权利。

    In marine insurance , where a total loss occurs to the subject matter insured , the insurer may have two kinds of rights , subrogation and the right to salvage .

  18. 运费弃权若发生全损或推定全损,无论是否给予委付通知,保险人均不对运费提出请求。

    Freight waiver in the event of total or constructive total loss no claim to be made by the underwriters for freight whether notice of abandonment has been given or not .

  19. 在海上保险理赔业务中,如果保险标的遭受的损失被认定为推定全损,那么,保险人就要按保险合同的规定,向被保险人支付保单项下确定的全部赔付金。

    In the claim business of marine insurance , if the loss of subject matter of insurance is regarded as the constructive total loss , the insurer pays the full value of the indemnity .

  20. 被保险人提出全损诉讼请求,而证据证明仅为部分损失的,除保险单另有规定外,他可以索赔部分损失。

    Where the assured brings an action for a total loss and the evidence proves only a partial loss , he may , unless the policy otherwise provides , recover for a partial loss .

  21. 而对于保险人来说,以共同海损的形式承担海盗赎金的理赔,可以避免船舶和货物的全损理赔,相对而言是更优选择。

    Bear pirate ransom of claims for insurers , in the form of a general average , and avoid total loss of ship and cargo claims , relatively speaking , for insurance company , is the better choice .

  22. 在确定船舶是否构成推定全损时,船舶的保险价值应以船舶修理后的价值为准,不应考虑船舶或残骸的受损或解体价值。

    1 in ascertaining whether the vessel is a constructive total loss , the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the vessel or wreck shall be taken into account .