
  • 网络Total K
  1. 土壤全钾含量因在植被生长过程中被吸收而略微降低。

    The total K have a slight decrease because it was absorbed in the process of vegetation growth .

  2. 土壤全钾含量平均为1.62%,有效钾为157.09mg/kg,有85%的土壤有效钾含量在100mg/kg以上,根据南阳烟区植烟土壤的养分状况,提出了相应的施肥措施。

    The average contents of total K and rapidly available K were 1.62 % and 157.09mg/kg respectively . The contents of rapidly available K of 85 % soil samples were above 100mg / kg . The suitable fertilizing technology in Nanyang tobacco growing areas was suggested based on the result .

  3. 微生物数量与土壤理化因子间的相关分析表明,放线菌数量与pH呈显著正相关,真菌数量与土壤全钾含量呈极显著正相关。

    A significant positive correlation was observed between soil actinomycetes quantity and soil pH value , and between soil fungal quantity and soil total potassium content .

  4. pH、有机质、物理粘粒、全钾、速效磷、速效钾在不同尺度上受不同的重要过程控制。

    The significant variance about semivariance for pH , soil organic matter , physical clay , total potassium , available phosphorus , and available potassium indicate these factors were controled by some important process at different scale .

  5. 速效硼B0.31mg/kg,普遍缺乏或偏低;轮作土壤的pH值、有机质、全钾、速效硼、速效锌、CEC、交换性镁均高于连作。

    But the pH , content of organic matter , total potassium , available P , available Zn , CEC and changeable Mg in soil of crop rotation was higher than that soil of continuous cropping .

  6. 土壤全钾、速效钾处于中等或以上水平。0~20cm土壤中有机质、全氮、碱解氮显著高于20~40cm土壤。

    Organic matter , total N and alkali-hydrolyzable N in soils with 0 ~ 20 cm depth were much higher than those with 20 ~ 40 cm depth .

  7. 而全钾含量在整个测定期间呈持续升高趋势;

    Total potassium content of all varieties increased from Jul to Dec.

  8. 全氮和全钾含量高的时抗虫,全磷含量和抗性无关;

    Clones with higher content of total nitrogen and kalium are insect-resistant .

  9. 花梗发育阶段,全钾的变化趋势比较大。

    Great changes of Potassium had happened during stalk elongation .

  10. 秸秆全钾、生物量属于强空间依赖性。

    Total potassium and biomass are high spatial variability .

  11. 根际土壤全钾、速效钾含量呈增加趋势。

    The content of total K and available K increases in rhizosphere soil .

  12. 植株叶片全钾简易快速测定方法研究

    A simple and convenient method of determining the total potassium content in plant leaves

  13. 全钾丰富、中等和缺乏分别为2,9和8个;

    Samples were high in total potassium contents , 9 medium and 8 low .

  14. 在不同坡度的土壤中,其全钾和速效钾含量变化较复杂。

    The change of STK and SAK content was complicate in soil of different slope .

  15. 土壤全钾含量大小顺序为:橡胶林柚子林沟谷雨林专类园。

    Total potassium content of the soil : rubber forest grapefruit forest rainforest theme garden .

  16. 全钾和速效钾的含量受不同人工林的影响不大。

    The plantations construction influence the content of total potassium and available potassium is not significant .

  17. 全钾和全磷属于高度空间相关,其变化主要受结构性因子的影响。

    Therefore changes in total C and total N are affected by both structural and random factors .

  18. 其中侵蚀泥沙有机质和全钾的含量较全氮、全磷有明显地波动变化。

    Erosions of sediment organic matter and total potassium content of total nitrogen , phosphorus have evident fluctuations .

  19. 黄绵土土壤钾素主要以不溶态的形式随泥沙迁移,全钾、缓效钾、速效钾流失量与土壤流失量呈正相关关系;

    K mainly migrated with sediment in unsolvable forms , while slowly available K chiefly removed with soil .

  20. 同时与附近城市土壤相比,全氮含量略高于城市土壤,全钾含量比附近城市土壤含量低。

    The contents of whole N in dustfall were little higher than that in soil from nearby cities .

  21. 土壤全钾、速效钾随土层向下,呈现先减小,后增大的趋势;高产全钾量普遍高于对照。

    The content of total potassium and available potassium was increased first and then decreased with soil layer down .

  22. 土壤全钾含量在低温灼烧阶段有轻微波动,但不同灼烧温度下全钾含量的方差分析差异不显著;

    Total K had light undulation under low burning temperature , but the differences under different temperatures were not significant ;

  23. 随着开垦年限的增加,全钾含量有减少的趋势,但变化幅度较小。

    Along with reclamation years increase , the total potassium content tends the reduction , the change scope is small .

  24. 植株全氮和全钾的含量也是各处理中最高;

    The content of total nitrogen and the content of total potassium in The lily plantlet leaf was the highest .

  25. 全钾的含量随土层深度的增加而增大,全钾的分布普遍较均匀。

    Total potassium content increased with the deeping of soil depth , available K contents were generally more uniform in distribution .

  26. 同时在富含钙质的碱性土中,CaCO3的聚积对全钾也有一定的稀释效应。

    At the same time the accumulative CaCO 3 makes " dilution effect " of the mineral potassium in alkaline soils .

  27. 在湿地土壤养分中,有机质、全钾对潜在土壤效益的贡献率大,而全氮、全磷的贡献率最低。

    Contribution rate of the organic matter and kalium upon latent soil benefit was the biggest , and total phosphorus'was the least .

  28. 结果表明,施用腐植酸可降低土壤速效钾含量,提高土壤缓效钾含量,降低土壤全钾含量;

    The results showed that : soil available potassium and total potassium were decreased and slowly available potassium was increased after humic acids application .

  29. 不同母质发育的土壤中,以冲积物发育的冲积菜园土的肥力水平较第四纪红色粘土发育的红菜园土高,特别是全钾、缓效钾的含量差异显著;

    Of them the vegetable soils developed from river alluvium has much higher nutrient contents than the reddish vegetable soil developed from Quaternary Red Clay .

  30. 结果表明,施用钾肥能明显提高土壤钾库中的速效钾和缓效钾含量,但对土壤全钾含量影响不大;

    The results showed the average contents of available K , slowly released K in potassium pools in tea-grown soils were significantly increased by potassium fertilizer .