
  • 网络bast fiber crops
  1. 中国麻类作物虫害防治研究进展

    Research Advancement on Pest Control of Chinese Bast Fiber Crops

  2. 麻类作物分子标记技术应用进展

    The Application Progress of Molecular Marker Techniques in Bast Fiber Crops

  3. 几种麻类作物及其近缘种植物总DNA的提取与鉴定

    Isolation and Characterization of Total DNA from Several Fibre Crops and Their Allies

  4. 密山地区麻类作物田节肢动物种类构成调查初级

    Investigation on the Composition of Arthropod Species of Hemp Crops Field in Mishan Area

  5. 麻类作物是我国主要的经济作物,其纤维为我国的纺织、轻工、造纸提供了丰富的原材料。

    The status quo of production of staple root and tuber crop was analyzed in this paper .

  6. 麻类作物是我国继粮、棉、油、菜之后的第五大作物群,在我国是极具特色的经济作物。

    Fiber crops is the fifth-largest group after grain , cotton , oil and food crops , and is extremely unique economic crops in our country .