
  • 网络Mahjong Table
  1. 我等不及要在麻将桌上试试我的手气了。

    I cannot wait to test my luck at the mahjong table .

  2. 他们给客人安排的住房很不错,很现代,里面还有自动麻将桌。

    The houses they had arranged for the tourists was very nice and modern and it even had an automatic mahjong table .

  3. 有数据表明,在出轨中年女性中高达百分之二十五的比例是发生在麻将桌上的。

    Data showed that middle-aged women in the derailment of up to25 % ratio is in mahjong on .

  4. 大多数信徒都是从街上、公共汽车上以及麻将桌上听到消息的老年人。

    Most of the believers were elderly people who heard it on streets , buses and at card tables .

  5. 拥有麻将桌、乒乓球、台球、国际象棋、书法、绘画等老年人特色服务的休闲中心如雨后春笋般涌现。

    Recreational centers with features aimed at the elderly , such as mahjong tables , table tennis , billiards , chess , calligraphy and painting , have mushroomed .

  6. 周末的时候,我就在麻将桌上扼杀着自己的意志和生命,我不知道我留恋红尘中的什么,是爱情还是婚姻?

    Weekend , I just mahjong game killing the life of their own will and I do not know what I stick to the mortal world , love or marriage ?

  7. 本实用新型解决了现有麻将桌噪音大的问题,其具有结构简单,成本经济,隔音减噪效果佳的优点。

    The utility model solves the problem that the prior mahjong table has large noise , and has the advantages of simple structure , economical cost and good noise insulation and reduction effect .

  8. 现在,我有了一份工作,我盼着在麻将桌上动真格的赢点钱,如同无人区满藏各种制敌取胜的奸诈心计一样算计着赢钱。

    Now that I have a job , I 'm expected to bet real money at The Mahjong Table , a no man 's land filled with hidden agendas , treacherous scheming and Janus-faced traitors .

  9. 成都长期以来都以闲散的氛围著称,在热门餐馆、茶馆和家里的麻将桌上,社会各个阶层的民众都具有相似的生活态度。

    For a long time , the city has been known for its laid-back culture , with residents from all levels of society sharing similar attitudes toward life , whether in hotpot restaurants , in tea houses or at mahjong tables at home .