
kāi xiǎo zào
  • prepare better food for someone than for others by opening a smaller canteen;give favored treatment
开小灶 [kāi xiǎo zào]
  • [receive private attention] 原指集体伙食中另外安排高标准的伙食。也比喻提供超出一般的待遇或条件

  • 晚上还坚持为小唐开小灶,教他练功到深夜

  1. 与许多10岁大的孩子一样,尼克·沃尔德(NickWald)也会在课外开小灶。

    Like many 10-year-olds , Nick Wald takes private lessons .

  2. 柯内尼斯,你想让我给你开小灶吗?

    Cornelius , are you trying to tell me that you need an extension ?

  3. 别那么老土罗斯,这又不是课后开小灶。

    Don 't be so corny , ross . it 's not an after schooi speciai .

  4. 魔法部里有许多他过去的得意门生,他总是愿意给学生开小灶,但从来不肯在亚瑟身上多花时间他似乎认为亚瑟没有什么抱负。

    The ministry 's littered with slughorn 's old favorites , he was always good at giving leg ups , but he never had much time for arthur * Didn 't seem to think he was enough of a highflier .

  5. 当被问到更具进攻性是否意味着更多的发球上网时,罗迪克显得模棱两可,但是承认他在这方面开了小灶。

    When asked whether a more aggressive approach meant more emphasis on serve-volleying , Roddick was equivocal , but admitted that he had been tinkering with that part of his game .

  6. 射门有多种方式,有外脚背射门,有脚内侧射门,我给他开了一次小灶。

    In football you shoot several ways , with the outside of your foot , with the inside , and I gave him a small lesson .