
  • 网络Enterprise Operating Environment;EOE
  1. 本文内容按如下方式组织:第一章介绍了企业经营环境的变化及企业信息化的发展趋势,这是工作流管理与ERP产生与应用的背景;

    This paper is structured as follows : chapter 1 introduces the change of business circumstances and the development of enterprise information system ;

  2. 但随着中国加入WTO,经济的日益全球化,外部环境的不确定性已经成为企业经营环境的主要特征。

    Since China entered into WTO , the economy has been more and more globalized , and the uncertainty of external environment has been the main characteristic of business operation environment .

  3. 现代企业经营环境的变化迫切需要把产品数据管理技术与工作流程管理技术结合起来,特别是把工作流程管理系统运用到PDM系统中来,取代并改进PDM系统中的工作流程管理功能。

    As business environment changes , enterprises urgently needs to combine PDM technology with workflow management technology , especially to integrate workflow management into a PDM system to improve the performance of the PDM workflow management function .

  4. 近年来,企业经营环境发生了剧烈的变化,流程再造(BPR)成为企业增强竞争力、适应未来的有效手段。

    Recently the environment of enterprise management has greatly changed , business process reengineering ( BPR ) has become an effective way in which enterprise can enhance its competitive power and adapt itself to the future .

  5. 本文从产业价值链和生产外包理论入手,通过相关理论的总结和纺织企业经营环境的PEST分析,研究了中小型纺织企业生产外包的具体模式,以及选择外包的条件与原则。

    Based on theory of industry value chain and production outsourcing , this paper analyzed the industry environment of textile business ( PEST analysis ) . Then , the specific models of outsourcing of small and medium textile enterprises were analyzed .

  6. 虚拟产品开发(VPD)能够在虚拟状态下构思、设计、制造、测试和分析产品以解决TQCS诸方面存在的重大问题,是支持产品创新设计与开发和改善企业经营环境的有效途径。

    Virtual Product Development ( VPD ), which is considered as an effective approach to supporting product innovation and improving running environment of an enterprise , can be used to imagine , design , manufacture , test and analyze a product in virtual status .

  7. 企业经营环境与竞争态势的新变化;

    The new change of FAWVSC management and competition state .

  8. 我国中小企业经营环境改善问题研究

    On the Managing Environment Improvement for China 's Medium and Small Enterprises

  9. 21世纪以来,企业经营环境发生了重大变革。

    From 21st century , the management environment of enterprises changes greatly .

  10. 第三章,研究企业经营环境变化之后,大连轿车修配厂所面临的主要问题;

    The third chapter analyses main problems this enterprise confronted ;

  11. 《全球企业经营环境报告》今年首次研究了东帝汶的情况。

    This year for the first time , Doing Business studies Timor-Leste .

  12. 企业经营环境信息的分析评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Environmental Information of Enterprise Business

  13. 当今世界,企业经营环境时刻都在发生巨大变化。

    Today , the business environment has great changes in all the times .

  14. 随着企业经营环境的变化,创新的涵义也在发生变化。

    With the changes of business environment , the meanings of innovation are changing .

  15. 上海企业经营环境和经济行为的调查

    A Survey on the Managerial Environment and Economic Behaviour of Shanghai 's Enter prises

  16. 随着经济体制改革的日益深化,企业经营环境产生了根本性的变化。

    With the deepening of economic reform , business environment has produced a fundamental change .

  17. 总体上讲,对企业经营环境影响利大于弊。

    The manage surrounding of enterprises will get benefits more than disadvantages as a whole .

  18. 因此,适应企业经营环境的巨大变化,在提供精细、准确成本信息同时,更好的发挥其在控制、决策方面作用的研究,显得更为迫切、更为重要。

    Therefore , it is very urgent to study its action to controlling and decision .

  19. 本研究从传统成本会计与现代企业经营环境的不适应以及由此导致的不良后果出发,系统分析了现代企业成本管理创新的动力。

    The study analyses the kickback of traditional cost accounting and the motive of cost management innovation .

  20. 所有排名靠前的国家/地区都在调整企业经营环境,但是它们的做法成本更低,而且负担更少。

    All the top countries regulate businesses , but they do so in less costly and burdensome ways .

  21. 21世纪以来,企业经营环境急剧变化,基于“快、准、好、省”的精益运营成为了世界上众多企业追逐的经营管理目标。

    Lean operation characteristic of quickness , effectiveness and cost-reduction has been adopted by many enterprises since21st century .

  22. 文章认为,信用体制的构建必须从企业经营环境的治理着手。

    It is believed that the construction of the credit system must be set about from administrating enterprise-managing environment .

  23. 20世纪80年代后,随着现代企业经营环境与经营活动的发展变化,公司治理问题的研究成为了世界性的话题。

    After 1980s , along with development change of modern enterprise condition , corporate governance becomes a worldwide topic .

  24. 企业经营环境信息是对企业经营决策有着直接意义的信息,包括市场购买行为信息、渠道信息和市场竞争者信息;

    Enterprises operation environment information has direct significance to operation strategy which includes market buying , channel and market competitors information .

  25. 信用缺失恶化了企业经营环境,困扰着企业的生存与发展。

    Lack of credit has worsened enterprise 's management environment , and now is perplexing the survival and development of enterprises .

  26. 本报告从开始出版到现在已经是第三个年头了,已经对全球的企业经营环境产生了一定的影响。

    Now in its third year , the report has already had an impact on business environment reforms around the world .

  27. 由于饭店企业经营环境的巨大变化,实行有效的战略管理已成为企业生存发展的首要问题。

    Thus effective strategy management has become the chief topic to the hotel development for the change of hotel managing environment .

  28. 全球经济环境与企业经营环境快速且复杂的动态变化,令企业管理者面临着更加严峻的挑战。

    The complex and rapid change of Global economic environment and business environment make the enterprise managers face more severe challenges .

  29. 夯实基础,落实责任,服务首都,努力打造安全和谐的企业经营环境。

    Create Safe and Harmonious Operational Environment by Solidifying Foundations , Putting the Responsibilities into Effect , and Serving the Capital .

  30. 企业经营环境的重大变化和战略管理的广泛推行,使得企业的战略选择变得非常重要。

    The significant change of management environment for enterprises and popularization of strategic management make the strategic choice of enterprises very important .