
qǐ yè xínɡ wéi
  • enterprise behavior
  1. 总之,本文依据哈佛学派传统的SCP范式分析脉络,吸取模块化理论并以其为工具,对欧洲航天产业的市场结构、企业行为以及市场绩效进行分析。

    This paper makes a detailed analysis of industry market structure , enterprise behavior and market performance of the European aerospace with the modular theory according to the traditional paradigm SCP of the Harvard School .

  2. 从契约到信誉:企业行为分析的新视角

    From Contract to Credit : A New Perspective on Enterprise Behavior

  3. 对企业行为加以斥责的做法始于1996年的《赫尔姆斯-伯顿法》(Helms-BurtonAct)。

    The practice of corporate reprimanding started with the Helms-Burton act of 1996 .

  4. 加入WTO,标志着我国开始参与世界经济大循环,国际贸易规则、规范越来越多地影响着企业行为和贸易政策的制定。

    China 's entry into WTO symbolized that China began to involve in the circulation of world economy , which also means international trade regulation will affect Chinese trade policies .

  5. 论评判我国企业行为的道德原则

    The Moral Principles of Judging the Behavior of China 's Enterprise

  6. 企业行为与国际贸易摩擦:一个扩展的政治经济模型

    Firm Behavior and International Trade Friction : An Extended Political Economy Model

  7. 第二,应用人性假设中的混沌特征来研究企业行为激励。

    Second , apply the behavioral hypothesis to study the action prompting .

  8. 双边市场视角下的平台企业行为研究

    Behaviors of platform firms from the perspective of bilateral market

  9. 电力企业行为规范初探

    A Preliminary Investigation into Behavior Criterions in Electric Power Enterprises

  10. 企业行为的非理性,说到底是企业家非理性决策的结果。

    Irrational business behaviors are the results of irrational decisions made by entrepreneurs .

  11. 浅议产业结构优化的微观基础&企业行为长期化

    Discussion on Microcosmic Basis of lndustrial Structure Optimum & Long-term Action on Enterprise

  12. 资本结构、企业行为与公司绩效

    Capital Structure 、 Corporation Behavior and Corporation Performance

  13. 税收和财政补贴与企业行为

    Taxation , Subsidy and Output Levels of Firms

  14. 广州城市可持续发展及企业行为研究

    Sustainable Development and Enterprise Behaviors in Guangzhou City

  15. 要切实提高自身素质,规范企业行为。

    And self - diathesis and enterprise behavior .

  16. 最后分析了市场结构、企业行为与经济绩效三者之间的关系。

    Chapter five analyzes the inner links among market structure , corporation conduct and performance .

  17. 金融市场的完善与企业行为

    Financial Market Perfection and Enterprise Behavior

  18. 整合企业行为文化,建立行为规范系统。③整合企业形象文化,建立形象识别系统。

    Conformity of enterprise behaviour cultural .

  19. 补充养老保险是一种企业行为,是基本养老保险制度的重要补充。

    An enterprise 's supplementary pension system is an important supplement to the basic endowment insurance system .

  20. 我国金融结构演进及投资者、企业行为研究

    The Research on the Development of Financial Structure and the Behavior of Investors and Enterprises in China

  21. 在这个理论框架中,规制与结构和行为都是产业发展过程中的内生变量,规制不仅影响市场结构和企业行为,同样也受到结构、行为和绩效的影响。

    In this framework , regulation , structure and behavior are the endogenous variables in the industry development .

  22. 企业行为必须符合企业价值目标,体现企业精神。

    The behaviour of enterprise must accord with the value goal of enterprise and embody the spirit of enterprise .

  23. 合理的资本结构可以指导企业行为,规范企业发展方向,改善企业经营绩效。

    Reasonable capital structure can guide the behavior of enterprises , standardize enterprise development , and improve business performance .

  24. 经济转型最终是否成功的决定因素是企业行为,即企业重构。

    As enterprises are the basis of market economy , enterprise restructuring is the key to the success of transition .

  25. 而创新无论是作为一种企业行为还是一种企业绩效,都要经过市场的检验,与市场结构密切相关。

    While Innovation works as a behavior or a kind of performance , it is closely related to market structure .

  26. 规范奶农和加工企业行为,提高生产技术能力,保证安全生产,提高我国原奶及乳制品质量;加强奶业行业协会的作用,确保原奶及乳制品质量安全;

    To strengthen the function of the dairy industry association and guarantee the quality of the raw milk and dairy products ;

  27. 通过一般税收优惠政策对企业行为的影响的阐述,重点分析六大优惠方式下影响其效果的摘要因素。

    It stress the emphasis on analyzing the factors which influence the effect of the income tax preference policies for foreign-invested enterprises .

  28. 产业组织或产业经济学是以不完全竞争市场的运行和绩效以及这些市场上的企业行为为研究对象的。

    The traditional approach in industrial organization is primarily empirical : researchers in this tradition try to uncover empirical regularities across industries .

  29. 因此,要从根本上解决独立工矿区企业行为不合理的问题,必须实行政企分开,承认和尊重企业的自身权益。

    Therefore , to solve the problem that inconsequence of the EIIMD 's behavior completely , government and enterprises must be separated ;

  30. 企业行为依据经营活动是否合乎道德标尺可区分为败德行为和道德行为两种类型。

    According to the code of ethics of management , the enterprises could be divided into two types : degeneration and ethics action .