
qǐ yè duǎn qī xínɡ wéi
  • short-run act of an enterprise
  1. 略论企业短期行为及其遏制途径

    The Short - term Behaviors of Enterprises and the Restrained Way

  2. 传统的电子产品逆向物流运营模式,存在其制造商主体缺位、回收企业短期行为、逆向物流运营成本高等问题,其原因主要有电子产品逆向物流运营的外部性以及电子产品回收的技术性问题。

    There are some problems in the model of negative material circulation operation of electronic products , and the reasons are the technical problems in electronic reclamation and externality of negative material circulation operation of electronic products .

  3. 人力资本入股的策略探究&兼论企业高管短期行为的防治

    The Tactics For Human Capital Being A Shareholder Study And the Enterprise Executives ' Short-term Behavior Prevention and Cure

  4. 从产品纵向差异的角度分析了垄断市场中双寡头企业的短期市场行为和长期市场行为。

    We study the short-term and long-term market behavior in a duopolistic market with vertical production differentiation .

  5. 浅议企业资产重组中短期行为的成因及对策

    On discussing cause and countermeasure of short term action in assets reconstruction of enterprises

  6. 但是,根据理论分析,经济增加值指标还有可能会导致企业经营者的短期化行为,一味缩小投资规模,而不通过提高税后净营业利润来提高经济增加值。

    However , the calculation formula of EVA may also lead to the managers ' short-term behavior , and blindly reduce the scale of investment , rather than by increasing the net operating profit after tax to increase EVA .

  7. 而传统的运营模式存在很多问题,如运营模式中的电子产品生产企业缺位、回收企业短期行为及高成本性。

    Its operations is related to the enterprise , consumer and government 's interest , the existing operational mode has great limitations , there are many problems .

  8. 长期以来,我国的企业大部分注重企业的短期性行为而忽视企业的长效发展,致使企业绩效存在较大的不稳定性,企业抵抗风险、危机的能力较弱。

    Over the years , most of our business emphasize significant short-term behavior and ignore the long-term development of enterprises , resulting instability in corporate performance , weak ability to resist risks .

  9. 本文认为,股票期权是指在公司治理中对经营者进行长期激励的一种薪酬制度,其价值在于降低代理成本、吸引优秀人才、减少企业现金支出和克服企业人员的短期行为。

    As a long-term stimulating salary system to enterprise proprietors , the merits of ESO are that it can help corporations to lower agency cost , attract the talent , reduce cash expenditure and eliminate short-term behavior of employees .

  10. 从企业行为的微观动力机制分析入手,指出资源替代弹性与实施可持续发展动力不足是企业短期行为的根本原因。

    This paper points out that elasticity of resource replacement and insufficient motive force of sustainable development are the root cause of enterprise short-term behavior by analysing micro - dynamic-mechanism of enterprise behavior .

  11. 而我国民营企业,作为发展历史短、繁衍速度快的新兴经济群体,在追求利润的过程中很容易出现忽视企业社会责任的短期行为。

    Private enterprises in China , as an emerging economic group , they have a short history , and grow with a fast rate . In the pursuit of profits , they are prone to ignore corporate social responsibility and to take short-term behavior .