
fànɡ quán rànɡ lì
  • decentralization and interest
  1. 国有企业在经历了放权让利、利改税、承包制以后,积累了不少宝贵的经验,取得了显著的成效。

    After it experienced decentralization and interest concessions , substitution of tax payment for profit delivery and contract-system , it accumulated a lot of valuable experience and achieved remarkable performance .

  2. 运用供求分析和价格管制下的投资决策模型讨论放权让利改革的局限性。

    Use supply and demand analysis and the price control investment decision-making model to discuss the limitation of profit reform .

  3. 1993年以后,国有企业改革转变了过去放权让利的改革思路,着力于制度创新。

    After the year of 1993 , the state changed its SOE reform policies from residual control and profit sharing to institutional innovation .

  4. 改革开放以来,随着中央政府放权让利政策的实施,地方政府之间的竞争逐渐浮出水面,由暗斗走向明争。

    Since the reform and opening up , the competition of local governments comes into being gradually along with the center government giving up power and profits .

  5. 从放权让利到两权分离,从股份制试点到建立现代企业制度,从微观的制度创新到国有经济布局的调整。

    Profits from two separate right to autonomy , from stock pilot to the establishment of a modern enterprise system , from microcosmic system innovation to the adjustment of the economic layout .

  6. 国有企业经历了放权让利、承包制、构建法人治理结构等制度变迁,显著提高了经营者的积极性和企业的经营业绩。

    The SOEs have undergone systems reforms in empowerment and profit dominance , contracting , and corporate governance structure , and the managers ' initiative and enterprises performance have been significantly improved .

  7. 从过程上看,主要经历了五个阶段:放权让利阶段、利改税阶段、承包制和租赁制、转换经营机制阶段和推广股份制阶段。

    But on process , it mainly experienced five stages : allowing rights and profits , changing profits into taxes , contracting and renting , changing managing mechanism and marketing stock system .

  8. 在制度三角的基础上引入博弈分析框架,建立了一个在出版业制度创新中政府和企业围绕着放权让利进行的博弈分析框架。

    Game analysis framework was introduced on the basis of the institutional triangle , to establish a game analysis framework , that government and enterprises delegating powers and benefits in the system innovation of publishing industry .

  9. 改革开放之后,随着放权让利和分灶吃饭财政体制的推行,地方政府有了自己的行为空间、行为能力、行为权利和行为动机,成为相对独立的行为和利益主体。

    After reform and opening up , with the decentralization and division eating style , local governments have their own space of actions , capacity , rights and motivation to become relatively independent of the main actors and interests .

  10. 中国国有企业改革起步于1978年底,大规模推进于1980年代初,与整个国家的经济体制同步,期间历经放权让利、利改税、企业经营承包责任制、现代企业制度等主要阶段。

    The reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises started by the end of 1978 , large-scale advance in the early 1980s , during the period after decentralization , benefit to tax , enterprise contract responsibility system , the modern enterprise system such as the main stage .

  11. 建设服务型政府的过程对于政府部门及公务员来说是一个放权让利的过程,因此政府部门及公务员的观念转变滞后成为建设服务型政府的最大障碍。

    Summary of the essay : It is a course of " giving up power and profits " to government departments and civil servants . It determines that government departments and civil servants ' concept change lagging behind build may be the biggest obstacle to build service type government .

  12. 改革开放以来,无论是国有企业改革早期的放权让利、利改税阶段,还是后来的经营承包,机制转换阶段,都试图通过调动人才的积极性促进企业的发展,但效果始终不甚理想。

    Since the reformation of China whether the stage of decentralization allowing more profits and transformation of profit to tax during the early period of state-owned enterprise reform , or the latter stage of contracted operation and mechanism conversion , we have endeavored to mobilize the enthusiasm of the talents .