
  • 网络radioactive particles;radioactive seed
  1. CT立体定位导向经皮穿刺放射性粒子植入治疗恶性肿瘤是一种微创新兴的交叉学科技术。

    CT-guided radioactive seeds implantation for patients with malignant tumor is a new , cross and minimally invasive technique .

  2. 目的:探讨在CT引导下125I放射性粒子植入治疗肺恶性肿瘤的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the usefulness of percutaneous ~ ( 125 ) I radioactive seeds implantation by CT guided for lung malignant tumor .

  3. TACE联合CT导向下~(125)碘放射性粒子植入治疗肝癌

    TACE combined with CT guided radioactive seed 125I implantation in treating liver cancer

  4. CT检查可清晰显示粒子位置,并能明确放射性粒子与周围重要脏器的关系。

    CT could clearly display the location of the seed 、 identify the relationship of the radioactive seed and the surrounding organ .

  5. CT引导下~(125)I放射性粒子植入和单纯化疗治疗胰腺癌的疗效评价

    Comparison of therapeutic effects between CT-guided ~ ( 125 ) I seed implantation and chemotherapy with Gemcitabine for the treatment of unresectable pancreatic carcinoma

  6. 目的观察125I放射性粒子对高位胆管癌的临床治疗效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of125I radioactive particles implanted to treat superior position cholangiocarcinoma .

  7. 方法总结8例盆腔复发肿瘤采用CT导向下125I放射性粒子植入联合髂内动脉化疗灌注患者的疗效。

    Methods Eight patients with recurrence pelvic tumors have been treated by ~ ( 125 ) I seeds implant combined with internal iliac arterial infusion chemotherapy .

  8. 目的探讨CT导向下组织间植入放射性粒子125I联合化学性粒子中人氟安治疗淋巴结转移瘤的临床应用及疗效。

    Objective To study the clinical value and efficacy of CT guided interstitial implantation of radioactive125I seeds and Sinofuan for the therapy of lymph node metastases .

  9. 第一,巧妙地将体积CT加速算法中的反投影运算算法结构迁移至放射性粒子剂量计算中,使粒子剂量计算的时间缩短至原来的1/35。

    Firstly , the algorithm structure of back projection computation is transplanted to dose calculation of radioactive particle in TPS . The time of dose calculation is reduced to 1 / 35 of that before in CPU .

  10. 结论125I放射性粒子植入是治疗复发性盆腔恶性肿瘤的一种有效的方法。

    Conclusions125I radioactive seeds implantation is an effective method in the treatment of recurrent malignant pelvic tumors .

  11. ~(125)I放射性粒子植入联合GP方案治疗老年非小细胞肺癌疗效观察

    Observation of efficacy of implantation of radioactive ~ ( 125 ) I particles combined with CP regimen in treatment of elderly patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma

  12. 方法:对手术不能切除的晚期胰腺癌用125I放射性粒子术中植入组织间内照射(A组)10例,用高能电子线术中照射(B组)50例。

    Methods : Ten cases were treated by the internal and interstitial radiation using Iodine-125 implantation ( group A ) and fifty cases of unresectable and advanced pancreatic carcinomas were treated by intraoperative high energy electric beam ( group B ) .

  13. 经动脉栓塞术(transarterialembolization,TAE)等介入治疗是非手术HCC的首选治疗手段,其原理是阻断肝肿瘤的动脉供血,导致肿瘤组织缺血坏死,同时给予化疗药物或植入放射性粒子进行综合治疗。

    Transarterial embolization ( TAE ) is one preferred non-surgical interventional treatment , the principle of which is blocking the blood supply of liver tumors , causing tumor necrosis , while giving chemotherapy drugs or radioactive seed implantation of the integrated Treatment .

  14. 放射性粒子植入治疗肿瘤的术后护理

    Nursing evaluation after the treatment of tumor by radioactive seed implants

  15. 第一台高效微粒空气过滤器可以消除空气中的放射性粒子。

    The first HEPA filters removed radioactive particles from the air .

  16. PET/CT在放射性粒子组织间种植治疗恶性实体肿瘤

    PET / CT guided radioactive seed implantation in treating solid tumor

  17. 盖革计数器示出放射性粒子的高浓度。

    The Geiger counter registered a high concentration of radioactive particles .

  18. 他用放射性粒子轰击雄性昆虫使其绝育。

    He bombards male insects with radioactive particles to sterilise them .

  19. 发射出放射性粒子的同位素;发出热量的炉子。

    Isotopes that emit radioactive particles ; a stove emitting heat .

  20. 30例放射性粒子种植治疗前列腺癌患者的护理

    Nursing of 30 patients with prostatic neoplasms by radioactive seed implants

  21. 核爆炸向海洋释放了放射性粒子。

    Nuclear explosions have released radiative particles into the sea .

  22. 放射性粒子置入近距离照射治疗脊柱肿瘤

    Radioactive seeds implantation brachytherapy in the treatment of spinal tumors

  23. 超声介导~(125)I放射性粒子植入治疗晚期恶性肿瘤

    Ultrasound-guided ~ ( 125 ) I Radioactive Seed Implantation for Advanced Malignant Tumors

  24. 放射性粒子植入技术是近距离治疗的一种。

    Radioactive seed implantation is one of brachytherapy technologies .

  25. 放射性粒子植入治疗中晚期胰腺癌临床疗效观察

    Effect of Radioactive Seed Implantation on Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma

  26. 放射性粒子~(125)I对兔股动脉放射性损伤的实验研究

    ~ ( 125 ) Iodine-induced Radiation Damage in the Femoral Arteries of Rabbits

  27. 放射性粒子置入治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸

    Treatment of Obstructive Jaundice with Replacement of Radioactive Particle

  28. 在CT/DSA导向下放射性粒子植入治疗恶性肿瘤的近期疗效

    Effect of malignant tumor treated with radioactive seed implanting under CT / DSA guidance

  29. 放射性粒子植入治疗颌面部恶性肿瘤的麻醉处理

    Anesthesia management for radioactive seed implantation in treatment of oral and maxillofacial malignant tumor

  30. 基于多重蒙特卡罗方法的核爆放射性粒子形成模拟研究

    Research on Simulation of Radioactive Particles Formation in Nuclear Explosion Based on Multi-Monte Carlo Method