
  1. 但在改革汗放前,两国的计划经济体制特别是两国政治关系的起伏,影响了边境贸易的发展。

    However , these two countries ' planned economical system , especially the raise and fall of their political relation , had hold up the development of frontier trade before 1978 .

  2. 一个stack是元素的一个垂直堆栈,其中每个元素直接放在前一个元素下面。

    A stack is a vertical stack of elements , with each element placed directly beneath the element preceding it .

  3. 结果:置器12个月后,子宫内膜血管内皮细胞FⅧ活性大部分较放器前明显减弱(P<0.001),少数前后不变。

    The results revealed that there was a generalized lower Factor ⅷ activity in the endometrial cells after insertion of LNG-IUD-20 ( P < 0 . 001 ) .

  4. 结果:未放客前细菌总数(BT)、溶血性链球菌(HS)分别超出标准15倍、24倍。

    Results : The result showed that before opening the total number of becteria ( BT ) and hemolytic streptococcus ( HS ) were 1.5 times and 2.4 times over the allowance for adult and child respectively .

  5. 建立了一个放中子前裂变碎片质量分布5-Gauss半经验计算公式。

    A 5-Gauss semi-empirical formula on the pre-neutron-emission fragment mass distribution is given .

  6. 将固定卡子放在前裙板上,并将其压入。

    Position fixing clip on the front apron and press it in .

  7. 快,趁还没放出来前抓住。

    Quick , grab it before it 's released .

  8. 我们放暑假前,期终考试了。

    Before we had our summer holidays , we had the final examination .

  9. 放暑前的几个星期,学校里各项工作就开始逐渐告一段落了。

    At school , things start winding down a few weeks before the summer holidays begin .

  10. 为什么放寒假前要有期末考试呢?就象出彩虹前为什么必须要有暴风雨一样。

    Why should there be final exams before winter vacation is the same why as storms before the rainbow .

  11. 然而,目前国内大多数企业只是关注物流供应链中的部分环节,把主要精力放在前向物流上,对逆向物流少有关注或者关注不够。

    However , most domestic enterprises merely put their concentration on partial links of supply chain , specifically , forward logistics , with less or insufficient attention to reverse logistics .

  12. 如果获得大到不能再大的赢利水平后,这是一种极其少见的情况,我们甚至可以把止损点放在前一天的低点处以保护我们已累积起来的巨额盈利。

    At the highest level of profitability , perhaps a very rare occurrence , we might even be able to place our exit stop at the previous day 's low to protect the great profit we have accumulated .

  13. 大声喊叫。如果你知道有人从你身后走过来攻击你,走开之前,转身朝那个人举起双手放在身体前,大声说“停下”。

    Shout loudly . If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack , turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say " stop " before walking away .

  14. 为什么要把in放在came前,不放在它后面?

    Suddenly , in came a man with a mask on his face .

  15. 目的探讨B细胞淋巴瘤131I-美罗华放免显像前用药的护理。

    Objective To explore the nursing of medication before accepting131I-Rituximab radioimmunoscinitigraphy in patients with B-cell lymphoma .

  16. 42岁的里安·斯金曼(RyanSchinman)是纽约一家娱乐资讯公司的董事长,他把他的三星Focus手机放在右前裤兜里,把他的黑莓手机塞进了便装上衣的左兜。

    Ryan Schinman , a 42-year-old chief executive of an entertainment consulting firm in New York , keeps his Samsung Focus in his right front pants pocket and tucks his BlackBerry into the left pocket of a blazer .

  17. 正确做法是,‘Twitter直播’会有比赛成绩和电视节目表,放在靠前和中心位置,大家最先就会去这个地方,看看比赛进行得怎么样了,或者比赛什么时候开始,他写道。

    Done right , live Twitter will have sports scores and TV listings front and center and will be the place everyone visits first to see how the game is going or when the show starts , he wrote .

  18. 结论:1在放、化疗前,小剂量应用IL-2治疗对维护和提高NPC患者的免疫功能有一定的作用,全身用药优于局部用药。

    Conclusion : ① It has some effect to uphold and improve the NPC patient ′ s immunity function to treat with small dosage of IL 2 before radiotherapy and chemotherapy , general treatment is better than local injection ;

  19. 如果把iPad竖起来放在身前,然后想象着在其屏幕中间画一条水平线,那么7英寸平板电脑的屏幕要比这条中轴线还要靠下。

    If you take an iPad and hold it upright in portrait view and draw an imaginary horizontal line halfway down the screen , the screens on the seven-inch tablets are a bit smaller than the bottom half of the iPad display .

  20. 我把鈅匙放在门前的擦鞋垫下面,然后就离开了。

    I put the key under the doormat before I left .

  21. 一些开发者倾向于把颜色和字体放在最前;

    Some developers tend to put colors and fonts first ;

  22. 不要把马车放在马前;勿本末颠倒。

    Don 't put the cart before the horse .

  23. 食物放进冰箱前,一定先要冷却。

    Make sure the food is cool before storing .

  24. 使用完后请将手放在感应器前放水冲洗。

    To flush toilet , put your hand in front of the sensor .

  25. 他对放在画前的这本书视而不见。

    The book lay neglected in from or him .

  26. 这时上尉把一只和蔼的手放在这位前经理的肩上。

    Now the latter put a kindly hand on the ex-manager 's shoulder .

  27. 与名词结合构成复合形容词介词结构一般放在动词前作状语。

    The prepositional phrase used as an adverbial is usually before a verb .

  28. 一个手指放在嘴前表示“安静”。

    One finger in front of an actor 's mouth means " quiet . "

  29. 她把手指放在嘴唇前示意大家安静下来。

    She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet .

  30. 他们的拖鞋放在壁炉前烤暖。

    Their slippers were warming on the hearth .