
fànɡ yìnɡ shì
  • projection room
  1. 他们把我带到放映室去看一张图。

    They took me into a projection room to see a picture .

  2. 他把楼上的放映室改成卧室。

    He had the upstairs projection room made into his bedroom .

  3. 电影录音控制室、鉴定放映室及室内影院A环、B环电声频率响应特性测量方法

    Measurement methods of A-chain and B-chain electro-acoustic frequency response of motion-picture control rooms , re view rooms and indoor theatres

  4. 据曼彻斯特晚报报道,这栋宿舍采用VIP式门禁,配备门卫,还有电影放映室、健身房和游戏室。

    The block boasts a VIP-style check-in , a concierge service , movie rooms , gyms and games rooms .

  5. 普尔努里的AtNightManagement公司总部坐落于斯德哥尔摩最有名的海滨地带,办公楼一层设有四个不同大小的录音棚,以及一间配有巨屏的放映室。

    His At Night Management company is based at one of Stockholm 's most prestigious waterfront addresses . The first-floor office is home to four recording studios of various sizes and a cinema room with an enormous screen .

  6. 看上去他正朝礼堂上面的放映室跑去!

    Looks like he 's headed for the projection room above the auditorium !

  7. 我们有一个网球场,一个游泳池,一个放映室--

    We have a tennis court , a swimming pool , a screening room --

  8. 其中不止一次,强暴案也发生于礼堂后面只有衣橱大小的电影放映室中。

    On more than one occasion rape has occurred in the closet-sized projection booth behind the auditorium .

  9. 我喜欢到制片厂去,在他那间宽大的放映室看新电影的剪接。

    I liked to go to the studio and watch the cuts of his new pictures in his big projection room .

  10. 你有兴趣和其他几位妈妈一起共赏《乱世佳人》吗?在我家的新放映室哦。

    Uh , if you want , some of the moms are gonna stay and watch " Gone with the wind " in my new screening room .

  11. 运输安全管理局称,为避免失窃,去年在纽约机场的一个放映室安装了监控摄像头,之后发现放映失效。

    The TSA says it discovered screening failures at the New York airport last year after installing surveillance cameras in a screening room to check for possible theft .

  12. 而那个我成功所凭借的作品呢-我希望它不是让我看完之后想在放映室里大吐特吐的那种。

    I would like it to be a success with something that doesn 't make me want to vomit all over the screening room after I 've seen it .

  13. 千高原艺术空间在中国的成都和北京设立艺术空间,艺术空间设有艺术作品展示厅,影像资料收藏和放映室,和完备开放的网络文献库。

    Thousand Plateaus Art Space provides an exhibition space , collection and screening rooms for audio-visual material as well as a complete and advanced online database of artistic works .

  14. A环节主要是安装在放映室里的设备,负责从胶片上读取信号,解码并处理。

    The " A " chain consists mainly of the equipment installed in the projection booth to actually read the soundtrack from the film , decode it , and process it .

  15. 规划了五个主题展览廊、放映室、礼品店、室内游戏区(沼泽历奇)和资源中心。

    Inside the Wetland Interactive World visitors will find themed exhibition galleries , a theatre , a souvenir shop , an indoor play area ( swamp adventure ) and a resource centre .

  16. 在这个超豪华设施建设包括私人餐厅为居民,核桃镶板图书馆,放映室,私人酒窖,健身俱乐部和游泳池。

    Amenities in this ultra luxury building include a private dining room for residents , a walnut paneled library , a screening room , private wine cellars , a health club and pool .

  17. 多多:我要上五年级了,就算不能进放映室,但总能和你做朋友吧?

    Toto : Now that I am older and to to fifth grade , I don 't say I should come in the booth , but can 't we at least be friends ?

  18. 《第十放映室》将电影作为一种文化现象,进行归类整理,用全新的视角对电影的类型、画面、节奏、镜头运用等等都做了细致分析。

    The 10th Screening Room considers movies as a kind of cultural phenomenon . It takes a novel view of the classification , screen , rhythm and usage of lens and makes detailed analysis .

  19. 这些单元住宅最初将不做装修,每位住户将能够根据个人品味和需求,自己设计室内空间,包括增设放映室、私人泳池和健身房等。

    The units will be delivered empty and each owner will have the space renovated to suit their own tastes and needs , choosing from options that include screening rooms , private pools and gyms .

  20. 在发布这份声明的一周前,该学院禁止学生参加圣诞庆祝活动,并强迫他们观看爱国主义影片,教职工把守在放映室的门口。

    The statement was posted just over a week after the college barred its students from taking part in Christmas celebrations and forced them to watch patriotic films , with faculty members guarding doors at the screening .