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fàng zhì
  • place;placement;lay;deposit;pile;stick;lay aside;lay up
放置 [fàng zhì]
  • [lay up;lay aside] 安放

  • 放置不用

  • 把茶杯放置到碗柜里

放置[fàng zhì]
  1. 开学后,比尔只得把他的船放置起来。

    Bill had to lay up his boat when school started .

  2. 猪肉自然放置时间与TVB&N的动态变化研究

    A Dynamic Change Study of the Relation - ship between the Natural Lay up Time and TVB - N Content in Pock

  3. 爆炸后不久,放置炸弹的人就逃离了这个国家。

    The bombers skipped the country shortly after the blast .

  4. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

    Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper .

  5. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片。

    Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper .

  6. 这些植物必须放置于零度以上光照充足的地方。

    These plants must be stored in the light at above freezing temperature

  7. 把除土豆外的所有蔬菜分层放置。

    Arrange all the vegetables except the potatoes in layers .

  8. 他帮忙把东西放置妥当。

    He helped to put things in their proper place .

  9. 煮好的面放置时间长了会变坨。

    If left to stand , cooked pasta sticks together .

  10. 这一治疗需要在内耳放置22个电极。

    The treatment involves the placement of twenty-two electrodes in the inner ear .

  11. 3平方米的厚板倾斜放置着。

    The 3-metre-square slabs are on a tilt .

  12. 外科医生在脑根部的静脉和动脉中放置了导管。

    The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head .

  13. 在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。

    In tests , the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away .

  14. 在这些方块中按顺序放置1分、5分、10分和25分的硬币各一枚。目标是颠倒这些硬币的顺序。

    In the squares place a penny , nickel , dime and quarter in that order . The object is to reverse the order of these coins

  15. 长时间放置在潮湿的环境中使食物中的细菌迅速繁殖。

    Long-time exposure to the damp environment multiplies the bacteria in food rapidly .

  16. 弗雷徳里克的主要思想就是炉子、水池和厨房案台一定要放置到位,使得无用的步骤能够完全避免。这个思想促使了玛格丽特·舒特·利赫斯基在20世纪20年代设计了第一个设备齐全的厨房。

    Frederick 's central idea , that " stove , sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely , " inspired the first fully fitted kitchen , designed in the 1920s by Margarete Sch ü tter-Lihotsky .

  17. 为了使像Trimt酒店这样的大型建筑水平上升,普尔曼将在建筑物的地基下放置数千个螺丝钉。

    To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel , Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews beneath the building 's foundation .

  18. 放置在大型训练区域的高大的电线杆能通过痛苦但不致命的电击教鸟儿远离电线。

    Tall poles , placed in large training areas , teach the birds to stay clear of electrical lines by giving them a painful but undeadly electric shock .

  19. 研究小组在一个商业聚乙烯购物袋里放置了100个蜡螟蠕虫,12小时后,这些蜡虫消耗并分解了大约92毫克的塑料,几乎占总数的3%。

    The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours , and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams , or almost 3 % of it .

  20. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。

    Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time .

  21. 在急性期,腰部劳损的处理包括用止痛剂及休息,在床垫下面放置硬板

    Management of lumbar strain includes analgesics and rest during the acute phase .

  22. 小电器传感器放置在您的头皮和对每个耳垂。

    Tiny electrical sensors are placed on your scalp and on each ear lobe .

  23. 其中铜钟上刻有汉字“嘉靖十四年乙未四月日”。这个铜零件被认为是两个钟的零件,这两个水钟分别制造于1438年和1536年,放置在皇家宫殿里。

    The cultural relics of either of two water clocks , each created in 1438 and 1536 and installed at royal palaces .

  24. 她的前面是一个大花冠,里面写有各个竞赛分项的名称;后面是一尊放置在柱基上的宙斯半身像。

    In front of her , a great crown , with in the centre a space for putting the name of the sports disciplines .

  25. 楼下有两间卧室,一个厕所,一间健身房,一间洗衣房,此外还有一个桑拿间和雪橇放置区。

    There are two bedrooms downstairs with a full bath , a workout room , a laundry room , and a sauna room / ski storage area .

  26. 而不是放置到堆栈中,变量通过use关键字指定,并存储到静态存储中。

    Instead of being placed on a stack , the variables specified with the use keyword are stored in static storage .

  27. UPDATE:允许用户获取或放置消息。

    UPDATE allows the user to get or put messages .

  28. 它会告诉我们文件是否确实放置到了secret池中。

    It shows us that the files are indeed placed in secret pool .

  29. Java编辑器将把框放置在变量名周围及使用它的所有位置中。

    The Java editor places boxes around the variable name and all the places where it 's used .

  30. 下面使用$NMONHOME代表放置nmon二进制代码的位置。

    NMON_HOME is used below to represent where you put the binary .