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zhù cí
  • auxiliary word
助词 [zhù cí]
  • [auxiliary word] 独立性差、无实义的一种特殊的虚词。汉语中有结构助词、时态助词和语气助词

助词[zhù cí]
  1. 时态助词;

    ( 2 ) auxiliary word of tense ;

  2. 带后助词成分的被动标记;

    After the passive marking with auxiliary word ;

  3. 从日语提示助词SAE、MADE、MO看语气的句中表达形式

    An Application of " Middle-of-Sentence Expression of Modality " to Japanese Focus Particles : SAE , MADE and MO

  4. 副词在与助词着(·zhe)的语义分析

    A Semantic Analysis on the Adverb " Zai " and the Partical " Zhe (· zhe )"

  5. 当被焦点化的成分B与原谓语动词的语义关系紧密时,该句式就容易成立,而且在焦点化位置一般不出现相应的格助词;

    It is argued that " A noha B da " is founded easily when the focus B and predicate verb in A has close semantic relations . Moreover , prepositions in Japanese corresponding do not exist in the focus B in such sentences .

  6. 本文从历时和共时两个方面对处置式、被动式以及与处置式密切相关的N受N施给VP式中的助词给进行了考察与分析。

    From both diachronic and synchronic viewpoints , the paper studies and analyzes the auxiliary word gei in disposition , passive voice and N recipient + N agent + gei + VP , a structure which is closely related to disposition voice .

  7. 缅甸语属于SOV型语言,在述宾结构中缅甸语的宾语中有宾语助词,而汉语却没有宾语助词。

    In predicate object structure , the object in Myanmar language have object particle while there is no object particle in Chinese .

  8. 语气词和结构助词;

    It is both a structural particle and a mood particle ;

  9. 《西游记》体助词研究

    Study on the Aspect Auxiliaries in the Journey to the West

  10. 闽南南安方言结构助词研究

    A Study on the Structural Auxiliary Words in Nan'an Minnan Dialect

  11. 普通话儿童习得附加焦点助词也的实验研究

    Mandarin Speaking Children 's Acquisition of Additive Focus Particle : Ye

  12. 谈日语口语中语气助词的作用

    Subject On the Function of A Modal Auxiliary in Spoken Japanese

  13. 加强处置/被动语势的助词给

    The Auxiliary Word gei in Reinforcing the Disposition / Passive Voice

  14. 日语格助词的无形化及其原因

    The Disappearance of the Case Particle in Japanese and Its Causes

  15. 汉语表体助词研究述要

    On the Research of Auxiliaries Expressing " Aspect " in Chinese

  16. 几个常用复合助词的语法意义

    On grammatical meaning of some compound auxiliary words in common use

  17. 广州话句末语气助词对句子表述性的作用

    The Effects of the Cantonese Final Particles on the Sentence Predication

  18. 虚词研究包括介词、助词、连词。

    The function word includes preposition , auxiliary , conjunction .

  19. 并且就助词而言,也是中国人学习日语的难关,很难掌握他们的意思和用法。

    And also that 's a barrier for Chinese learning Japanese auxiliary .

  20. 语气助词的音高分析朗读中的重音处理

    A Pitch Analysis of Chinese Modal Particles Disposal of Stress in Recitation

  21. 其中把累加定为是两个助词的基本意义。

    Among them Accumulate is the basic meaning of the two words .

  22. 关于近代汉语中事态助词去的几个问题

    A Few Questions on Aspectual Particle qu in Modern Chinese

  23. 英语口语中情态动词和助词的重读

    The Stress on Modal Verbs and Auxiliaries in Oral English

  24. 在古代汉语词尾研究中,助词、词尾、词缀概念混淆。

    There was no concept of termination in ancient Chinese .

  25. 量词、指示代词和结构助词的关系

    The Relationship among Classifiers , Demonstrative Pronouns and Constructional Particles

  26. 对外汉语常用语气助词的教学与研究

    The Study of Modal Particles in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  27. τηα21是一个多功能的结构助词。拉祜语的被动句属分析型、不发达型。

    The passive of Lahu belongs to the analytical and undeveloped type .

  28. 宜春话的将来时态助词格及其来源

    Future Tense Auxiliary Ge in Yichun Dialect and Its Origin

  29. 广州话是粤方言的代表,有着丰富的语气助词。

    Cantonese represents Guangdong dialects , and is rich in utterance particles .

  30. 但是关于两个助词的对照研究,现阶段并不是很完善。

    But about the two words not perfect state now .