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  • Semantics;meaning;semanteme
语意 [yǔ yì]
  • [meaning] 话语所包含的意义及情味

  • 语意深长

语意[yǔ yì]
  1. 青铜器具的文化语意与再生设计研究

    Research on Cultural Semanteme and Regeneration Design of Bronze Appliance

  2. 产品的意义阐释及语意构建

    The Products ' Meaning Explaining and Semanteme Constructing

  3. 语意深长。

    The remarks are full of meaning .

  4. 产品语意学(ProductSemantics)是20世纪80年代工业设计界的一种设计思潮,它是研究人造物在使用环境中的象征特征,并将其知识应用在工业设计上。

    Product Semantics is the 1980s industrial design one kind of design ideological trend , it studies man 's in use environment symbolic characteristic , and its knowledge application in industrial design .

  5. 在IDL中定义常数的语法和语意与C++一样。

    The syntax and semantics for defining constants in IDL are identical to C + + .

  6. 正如我们要在即将出现的专栏中所见,OO过程实际上是一种语意分析形式。

    As we 'll see in upcoming columns , the process of OO design is really a form of semantic analysis .

  7. 与其他REST框架类似的是,Astoria也允许开发者使用更加富有“语意”的URL来访问以及维护互联网上的资源。

    Like other REST frameworks , Astoria allows developers to use more ' meaningful ' URL to access and manipulate the resources on the Internet .

  8. 机器翻译(MT)就是利用计算机将一种自然语言的文本或对话转换为另一种自然语言的文本或对话,同时保持语意的一致性。

    Machine Translation ( MT ) is the use of a computer to translate texts or ulterances of a natural language into another natural language while maintaining the meanings unchanged .

  9. 隐含语意索引(LSI)是一个能有效捕获文档中词的隐含语意特征的方法。

    Latent Semantic Indexing ( LSI ) is an effective feature extraction method which can capture the underlying latent semantic structure between words in documents .

  10. 一为捷克剧作家KarelCapek在1920年给他们取了名字(来自斯拉夫语意为“工作”)。

    A Czech playwright , Karel Capek , gave them their name in 1920 ( from the Slavonic word for " work " ) .

  11. 网球拍性能测试仪器(被称为“MYO”-希腊语意为“力量”)是一个用于测试球拍最大受力的常规仪器。

    The racket performance machine ( known as " MYO "– the Greek word for muscle ) is a custom built machine designed to measure the maximum power a racket can generate .

  12. DavidCrystal和DerekDavy(1969)对文体分析的框架进行了比较详细的探讨,主张在语音、书写、词汇、语法、语意等层面上对文本进行语言描述以达到理解和鉴赏目的。

    David Crystal and Derek Davy ( 1969 ) have had a detailed discussion on the stylistic analytical framework . They propose to describe the features of text at the following levels : ( 1 ) graphetics and graphology ; ( 2 ) phonetics and phonology ;

  13. 手机造型语意认知评价的分析

    An analysis of Evaluation of Semantic Cognition of Mobile Phone Form

  14. 语意描述研究在产品形态设计中的应用

    Application of " Semantics Express " Research in Product Form Design

  15. 英语中强调语意的表达方式的探讨

    On the Ways and Means of the Emphatic Expressions in English

  16. 这两个表达在语意上的差别很细微。

    These two expressions only have a subtle difference in meaning .

  17. 语意比较法&产品语意识别的准确方法

    Product Semantics Comparison & an Accurate Method for Product Semantics Identification

  18. 形式与语意兼顾理论在大学英语课堂教学中的应用

    Application of Theories of Focus on Form in College English Teaching

  19. 徽派建筑语意符号在室内设计中的继承与发展

    The Inheritance and Development of Anhwei Architecture Symbols in Interior Design

  20. 环境艺术与服装设计动感语意的比较

    Comparing Environmental Design and Clothing Design in Terms of Movement

  21. 从《红楼梦》中文化语汇的翻译看交际翻译与语意翻译

    The communicative translation and semantic Translation in A Dream of Red Mansion

  22. 从传播角度看产品的语意

    Reading the Meanings of Products in the Viewpoint of Dissemination

  23. 他歪曲我的语意,使我看来负有罪责。

    He twisted my words to make me look guilty .

  24. 字汇学是在研究字汇的语意以及它在句子中的用法。

    Lexicology is the study of the meaning and use of words .

  25. 网页内容要精心制作,文本语意通顺正确。

    The content should be well written and semantically correct .

  26. 语意好恶度在人物观感研究中构成的系统性偏差

    Semantic desirability as a systematic distortion in person perception studies

  27. 我国现代会展中心外部形态中的结构构成与语意表达

    Structures Composing and Lingual Explanation in Modern Domestic Exhibition and Convention Center

  28. 基于产品语意学研究的电视机遥控器设计

    TV Remote Control Design Based on the Product Semantic Research

  29. 操纵装置语意学设计研究

    A Research on the Semantical Design of the Operating Controllers

  30. 翻译不仅要传递语意信息,还要传递风格信息。

    The translation should transfer both the semantic message and the stylistic information .