
  • after school;after class
  1. 放学后,我们就在车行道上打篮球。

    After school we 'd be on the driveway shooting baskets .

  2. 我被告知放学后留下。

    I was told to stay behind after school .

  3. 放学后直接回家来。

    Come straight home after school .

  4. 放学后我带孩子们去公园野餐。

    I took the kids for a picnic in the park after school .

  5. 戴利在学生放学后继续开放学校,把它兼作社区中心。

    Daly kept this school open after hours so it doubled as a community center .

  6. 那个学生因为顽皮被老师放学后留在学校里。

    The teacher kept the student in because he was naughty .

  7. 这些团队主要源于东欧培养年轻人才的传统,教授在放学后或周末教授有前途的从幼儿园到12年级的学生研习高等数学。

    In these groups , which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent , professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends .

  8. 放学后的一天,当我在这座壮丽的山上探索绿色的树林时,差点跌倒在一组阶梯上。

    One day after school , while exploring the green woods of this magnificent mountain , I almost fell on a set of stairs .

  9. (学生A和学生B放学后在学校门口见面。)

    ( Student A and student B meet at the school gate after school . )

  10. 他们放学后经常打扫教室。

    Their classroom is often cleaned by them after school .

  11. 他们也是小学生放学后的好帮手。

    They are also great helpers for primary school students after school .

  12. 放学后和周末我在比萨店帮忙。

    I helped out at the pizzeria after school and at weekends .

  13. 一个星期一,艾米丽放学后去了养老院。

    One Monday , Emily went to the nursing home after school .

  14. 他的老师格林太太让他放学后留下来。

    Mrs Green , his teacher , asked him to stay after school .

  15. 莫莉放学后跑回家,把书包扔在沙发上。

    Molly ran back home from school and dropped her schoolbag on the sofa .

  16. 很抱歉放学后我不能和你打网球了。

    I 'm very sorry I am unable to play tennis with you after school .

  17. 放学后我们去踢足球吧。

    Let 's play soccer after school .

  18. 亨利每天放学后都会去工作。

    Henry worked after school every day .

  19. 有一天放学后,我去老师办公室找老师,但是那里没有人。

    One day after school , I went to the teacher 's office to see my teacher , but nobody was there .

  20. 每天放学后,安德鲁挨家挨户地去请那些不想盖房子的人签字。

    Each day after school , Andrew went door-to-door , to ask the people to sign , who did not want the houses to be built .

  21. 另外,如果孩子放学后,妈妈还没有回家,她可以在屏幕上留下一张带有声音和图片的便条,以便告诉他们有什么可以吃的。

    Also , if mom can 't be home when kids get back from school , she can leave a note with a voice and picture on the screen to tell them what there is to eat .

  22. I'mhangingoutwithfriendstonight.今晚我要和朋友们一起玩。例句以前放学后,我总是和朋友们一起去公园里玩。

    After school , I always hung out with my friends at the park .

  23. 我十五岁的儿子放学后连跑带颠地跑回家里发现我躺在床上。

    My 15-year-old son came bounding in from school and found me in bed .

  24. 男孩们不知道放学后该做些什么。

    The boys didn 't know what to do with themselves after school ended .

  25. 当我报名参加放学后的课外活动时,我报得太多了。

    Example : I bit off more than I could chew when I signed up for the extracurricular activities after school .

  26. 这样一来,每天放学后,我和爸爸就会为我去哪儿上大学而引发争吵。

    So every day after school , my dad and I had blown out fights about where I would go to college .

  27. 在英华学院,放学后,大家都为祖父母节(Grandparents'Day)做着准备。这符合华人尊重长辈的传统。

    After school at Yinghua , preparations are underway for Grandparents ' Day , in line with the Chinese tradition of honoring family elders .

  28. 带Ball出去玩她们放学后得带Ball出去

    They have to take Ball out . So , they have to take him out when they 're home from school

  29. v.蜂拥放学后,很多学生拥进食堂。

    swarm Many students swarm into the canteen after class .

  30. 放学后,我们在快捷咖啡馆(CafeExpress)的砖墙房间里一坐就是几个小时,像一群害虫,在室内抽烟。

    After school we could sit for hours in the brick-walled rooms of Cafe Express , smoking indoors like an infestation .