
fànɡ huǒ zuì
  • arson;crime of arson
  1. 主要的重罪包括杀人罪、奸罪、窃罪、劫罪、犯住宅罪和放火罪。

    The principal felonies are homicide , rape , theft , robbery , burglary and arson .

  2. 已满14岁不满16岁的人,犯杀人、重伤、抢劫、放火、惯窃罪或者其他严重破坏社会秩序罪,应当负刑事责任;

    Those who have reached the age of14 but not of16 should be responsible for crimes of murder , serious injury , robbery , arson , hardened thievery and other felonies against public order ;