
  • 网络pacific island;Pacific Island nations;PIC
  1. 亚洲及太平洋岛国水产工业区域协商

    Regional consultation on the fisheries industry for Asia and Pacific Island countries

  2. 开展南太平洋岛国合作探查开发深海矿产资源

    Cooperation with south pacific Island countries to explore and develop deep-sea mineral resources

  3. 太平洋岛国居民患糖尿病的比率为世界最高。

    Diabetes rates are among the highest in the world .

  4. 巴布亚新几内亚代表在太平洋岛国论坛发表了演讲。

    The representative from Papua New Guinea spoke for the Pacific Islands Forum .

  5. 共有接近1000万人居住在太平洋岛国。

    In all , almost ten million people live in Pacific island countries .

  6. 冷战后中国与太平洋岛国贸易关系研究

    Sino-Pacific Countries Trade Relations after the Cold War Era

  7. 世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,太平洋岛国的肥胖率逐渐增加。

    The World Health Organization says obesity rates are rising in Pacific island countries .

  8. 巴纳巴是太平洋岛国中三大磷酸盐岩石岛之一。

    Banaba is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific .

  9. 从太平洋岛国图瓦卢将被淹没所想到的

    Thinking about Island Country Tuvalu being Submerged

  10. 基里巴斯的民间音乐相对于其他太平洋岛国文化来说,仍然很少受西方文化的影响。

    Kiribati folk music remains less affected by Western culture than most other Pacific island cultures .

  11. 而且,许多太平洋岛国居民缺少体育活动,这也加剧了肥胖问题。

    And a lack of physical activity among many Pacific islanders only adds to the obesity problem .

  12. 第113届国会也有43名非裔美国人,31个拉丁美洲人,12个亚裔美国人和太平洋岛国人。

    The 113th Congress also includes 43 African-Americans , 31 Latinos , 12 Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders .

  13. 美国同意帮助南太平洋岛国处理与别国的纠纷。

    The United States agreed to help the South Pacific islands settle any differences with other nations .

  14. 鸟粪是西太平洋岛国瑙鲁岛最便宜的出口产品。

    Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .

  15. 这些消失的岛屿是太平洋岛国所罗门群岛的一部分,并没有人类居住。

    The missing islands , part of the Solomon Archipelago , were not inhabited by human beings .

  16. 正在尼泊尔、印度和不丹及太平洋岛国汤加实施类似项目。

    Similar projects are underway in Nepal , India and Bhutan and on the Pacific island of Tonga .

  17. 这还不包括巴布亚新几内亚或瓦努阿图(西南太平洋岛国)的语言以及地区性方言。

    That does not include all the languages found in Papua New Guinea or Vanuatu or regional dialects .

  18. 今年年初,太平洋岛国领袖在瓦努阿图举行首次太平洋食品峰会。

    Earlier this year , leaders of island nations met in Vanuatu for the first-ever Pacific Food Summit .

  19. 他们表示,许多太平洋岛国居民已经用进口加工过的食品取代了传统的蔬菜和水果等饮食。

    It says many Pacific islanders have replaced their traditional diets of vegetables and fruits with imported processed foods .

  20. 在新西兰,我们强烈地意识到气候变化给我们太平洋岛国的邻居们带来的挑战。

    In New Zealand , we are acutely aware of the challenge climate change poses for our Pacific Island neighbours .

  21. WHO表示,在至少十个太平洋岛国,超过50%的人口体重超重。

    The WHO says more than fifty percent of the population is overweight in at least ten Pacific island countries .

  22. 握手在19世纪被通过汤加(南太平洋岛国)传到斐济(太平洋西南部岛国,新西兰以北),并迅速成为明确的习惯。

    Shaking hands was introduced to Fiji in the19th Century by way of Tonga , and quickly became the established custom .

  23. 瑙鲁共和国〔非联合国会员国〕鸟粪是西太平洋岛国瑙鲁岛最便宜的出口产品。

    The Republic of Nauru Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .

  24. 多年来,太平洋岛国政府一直敦促澳大利亚允许他们的国民到澳洲填补劳动力的空缺。

    For years , governments of Pacific island nations have urged Australia to allow islanders to plug gaps in its labor force .

  25. 全球有许多默默无闻的小国家,就算资源丰富的西太平洋岛国瑙鲁,也面对重重困难。

    The world has many tiny states which have languished in obscurity , with even resource-rich small stakes like Nauru mired in problems .

  26. 太平洋岛国领导人非常感谢中方的支持。

    For their part , the leaders of the Pacific island countries have offered their thanks to the Chinese side for its support .

  27. 赖斯在新加坡出现与东盟有关的会议之后,将访问澳大利亚和新西兰,并且到萨摩亚出席一个太平洋岛国领导人会议。

    After the ASEAN-related meetings in Singapore , she visits Australia and New Zealand and attends a meeting of Pacific island leaders in Samoa .

  28. 美国地质勘探局报道,南太平洋岛国汤加当地时间12日下午发生里氏6.1级地震。

    A magnitude 6.1 earthquake hit south east of Tonga at 1:19pm local time ( 2:19 NZT ), the US Geological Survey has reported .

  29. 在这个新的暂行移民项目中,太平洋岛国民众可以通过短期招聘,特别是季节性生产、例如收获水果等方面的需求到澳大利亚工作。

    Under the new test program , islanders would be recruited on a short-term basis , particularly in seasonal industries such as fruit picking .

  30. 正因为如此,我们正在与东盟携手促进清洁能源投资,正在帮助太平洋岛国减轻海平面上升造成的影响。

    Thats why were working with ASEAN to promote investment in clean energy ; why were helping Pacific island nations mitigate the effects of rising sea levels .