
shí xínɡ
  • stoning to death
  1. 他被处以石刑,以身殉难。

    He suffered martyrdom by stoning .

  2. 有人担忧埃及的Facebook阶层在投票时会被原教旨主义者压倒。皮尤(Pew)近期一次民意调查显示,有80%埃及人支持通奸者应受石刑惩罚的主张。此类数据会加剧这种担忧。

    One recent Pew opinion poll showed 80 per cent support in Egypt for the idea that adulterers should be stoned , the kind of figure that bolsters the fears of those who worry that Facebook Egypt will be outvoted by fundamentalist Egypt .

  3. 在一起世人瞩目的石刑案件上,巴西也未能成功对伊朗施加影响。

    Brazil was also unsuccessful at influencing Iran over a high-profile stoning .

  4. 因说出我心里的话就被石刑处死?

    Stoned to death for saying what I think ?

  5. 你是不是许可石刑在伊朗正当?

    Do you permit stoning lawful in Iran ?

  6. 说实话,受石刑的过程是如此恐怖,就算在国内,我们也尽量从来不用它。

    To tell the truth , the term " stoning " is so horrific that we try never to use it .

  7. 这家独立的报纸称,王妃告诉英国法官,如果她回国,将要接受石刑。

    The independent newspaper said the princess told a British judge that she would be stoned to death for adultery if she returned home .

  8. 他指出,以色列长期以来都坚持民主制度,他们的国民享受着其他中东国家的国民享受不到的公民自由。“在女性被石刑,同性恋被绞刑,基督徒被迫害的地区,以色列一直洁身自好,这是非常重要的。”

    He pointed out that Israel has long had a robust democracy and that its citizens enjoy civil liberties denied elsewhere in the Middle East . " In a region where women are stoned , gays are hanged , Christians are persecuted , Israel . It is different , " he said .