
  • Work report;【化】work statement
  1. 我也会把工作报告的日期发给你。

    I shall also send you the date you should report for the work .

  2. 每周递交工作报告,每月递交工作计划给总经理

    Submit weekly status reports and monthly itineraries to Region Vice President .

  3. Q:我的工作报告是最好的证明,看看我做的成绩吧。

    Q : My work record speaks for itself , look at all my achievements .

  4. 布朗大学的弗农•亨德森、亚当•斯德瑞亚德和大卫•威尔在一份新的工作报告中建议利用采自太空的数据来分析GDP的变化。

    In a new working paper , Vernon Henderson , Adam Storeygard and David Weil of Brown University suggest an alternative source of data : outer space .

  5. OECD的一篇工作报告指出,外国直接投资在理论上可以分为两种类型,即市场导向型的外国直接投资和出口导向型的外国直接投资。

    As mentioned in an OECD working report , theory classifies FDI into two types : market-oriented and export-oriented FDI .

  6. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)的一份工作报告称,9/11事件后,到访美国的外国游客数量出现了“立即、急剧”下降。

    A working paper from the Department of Homeland Security says that , after 9 / 11 , the fall in international visitors to the US was " immediate and precipitous . "

  7. 将此显示保存在工作报告中,应使用f4。

    The display can be saved in the work report using the f4 .

  8. 国际贷币基金组织(IMF)的一份工作报告估算,2004和2005年间,包括技术援助在内的(中国)年均官方开发援助总额可能高达约10亿至15亿美元。

    An International Monetary Fund working paper estimates official development assistance , including technical assistance , could be about $ 1bn - $ 1.5bn annually in 2004 and 2005 .

  9. IMF每年要制作大约650份刊物,从备受关注的《世界经济展望》与《金融稳定报告》,到工作报告以及向外部刊物的供稿。

    The IMF produces about 650 publications a year , ranging from the high-profile world economic outlook and financial stability report to working papers and submissions to outside journals .

  10. 上周,美国国家经济研究局(NationalBureauofEconomicResearch)发布的一项工作报告认为,由单身CEO管理的公司其股票风险高于那些由已婚CEO管理的公司。

    A working paper released this week by the National Bureau of economic research finds that the stocks of companies with chief executives who are single are riskier than the shares of companies run by CEOs who are hitched .

  11. 今年的政府工作报告中指出,今年的目标是保持经济适当增长,同时要提高GDP的质量,推动经济结构优化升级。

    In this year 's government work report , the plans laid-out are to maintain an appropriate level of economic growth while improving the quality of GDP and upgrading the country 's broader economic structure .

  12. 威斯康星大学的徐宏嘉(音)和乔瑟夫•T•哈尔福德的工作报告显示,富有魅力的CEO能在首次电视露面时助力公司提升股价。

    Attractive CEOs raise their company 's stock price when they first appear on television , according to a working paper by Joseph T. Halford and Hung-Chia Hsu at the University of Wisconsin .

  13. IMF最近在评估中国经济情况时引用了这两位作者的研究成果。上述工作报告中的一份是在两人长期不认同中国货币政策的背景下完成的。

    The IMF drew on the authors'research in its recent evaluation of China 's economy , one that was completed after a long period of disagreement over the nation 's currency policy .

  14. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)最近发表的一篇工作报告,把中国要素使用效率提高的主要原因归结为追赶效应,即人均收入朝着全球平均水平靠拢的过程。

    A recent Asian Development Bank working paper attributes most of the efficiency gains in China to a catch-up effect , as income per person rose towards global averages .

  15. IASPEI秘书长关于1983&1984年的工作报告要点;

    The main points of the report on Association affairs of 1983 & 1984 delivered by the Secretary-General of IASPEI ;

  16. 2002年《政府工作报告》英译本研究

    A Study on the English Translation of the Government Work Report

  17. 工作报告:两会之后中国地产业将走向何方?

    Work : two sessions after China Real Estate encounters problems ?

  18. 近红外分光光度探测器的检验工作报告

    Report On the Experimental Checking the Near Infrared Detector System

  19. 我写了一份八月的工作报告。

    I wrote a report about the work I did in August .

  20. 吉林白鸡配套系选育工作报告

    Report on complete sets of Jilin White laying fowl breeding

  21. 向财务部递交每月的工作报告和资金预算。

    Submit month end work reports and cash claims to Finance Department .

  22. 现在,我受省政府委托,做工作报告。

    Now , I commissioned by the provincial government , do work .

  23. 要求严格执行制定定期客户拜访报告和月工作报告。

    Regular visit report and monthly report is strictly required ;

  24. 生产企业压力管道设计单位资格认证工作报告

    Qualification Work Report for Pressure Piping Design of Production Enterprises

  25. 水田自然免耕研究工作报告

    Report of investigation for natural non-tillage system on paddy field

  26. ZX&3型内调焦对心器研制工作报告

    The Developing Report of the Internal Focusing Device for Centring

  27. 中国写作学会第六届理事会工作报告

    Work Report of the 6th Council of China Writing Society

  28. 光谱析钢仪试制工作报告

    Report on the manufacturing of spectroscope for steel analysis

  29. 四分之一对工作报告投反对或弃权票。

    One-fourth of deputies voted no or abstained from voting to the report .

  30. 请每月写一份工作报告。

    Please write a monthly report about your work .