
huǎn qī
  • delayed schedule;postpone a deadline;suspend;respite;delay
缓期 [huǎn qī]
  • (1) [respite;suspend;postpone a deadline]∶延缓期限

  • (2) [delay]∶延长或增加时间

缓期[huǎn qī]
  1. 鉴于被告的年龄,治安法官给他缓期处刑。

    In view of the age of the accused the magistrate give him a suspend sentence .

  2. 法官判暂缓执行死刑。鉴于被告的年龄,治安法官给他缓期处刑。

    The judge stayed the execution order . In view of the age of the accused the magistrate give him a suspend sentence .

  3. 法官判处他有期徒刑九个月,缓期执行。

    The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence .

  4. 法官同意缓期执行,以便这个犯人的律师提出上诉。

    The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal .

  5. 监管机构继续发放少量新的经营许可:自1年前解除暂缓期以来,只有瑞信(creditsuisse)和德意志银行(deutschebank)获得了此类许可。

    The regulator continues to issue new licences sparingly : only Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank have received them since a moratorium was lifted a year ago .

  6. 另外,底物诱导实验表明DEP诱导能显著缩短迟缓期从而提高降解速率。

    Furthermore , the substrate induction test indicates that DEP-induction can apparently shorten the lag phase and thus enhance the degradation rate .

  7. 两组均根据Brunnstrom分期分别制定弛缓期和痉挛期的治疗方案。治疗1次/日,5次/周,28天为一个疗程。

    According to Brunnstrom stage , therapeutic methods of flaccid paralysis or spastic paralysis are applicable to the patients in this two groups once a day for five days a week , and the course of treatment was 28 days .

  8. 他向银行申请缓期付款。

    He applied to the bank for a delay of payment .

  9. 希腊民众通过投票给自己提供了一个“缓期执行”的机会。

    Greeks have voted to give themselves a stay of execution .

  10. 扩大死缓适用面,设立死刑缓期二年至五年执行的制度;

    Expand the application of death sentence with a suspension of execution ;

  11. 上月,这名女子被判60天的有期徒刑,因自身原因缓期三年执行。

    Last month the woman got 60 days behind bars , 3 years

  12. 他被判处死刑但被总统缓期执行。

    He was sentenced to death but was reprieved by the president .

  13. 死刑缓期执行若干问题的研究

    A Study Over Several Issues Concerning Suspension of Execution of Death Penalty

  14. 他被判有期徒刑十五年,缓期两年执行。

    He was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment on two years probation .

  15. 罚款数额非常少,处以的有期徒刑通常会缓期执行。

    Fines are only modest and prison sentences often suspended .

  16. 判处强劳两年,缓期执行一年。

    The sentence was two years ' hard laBour suspended for a year .

  17. 在中国,死刑缓期执行通常会转为徒刑。

    Suspended death sentences in China are often commuted to time in prison .

  18. 法庭准予该公司为期两周的缓期执行。

    The court grant the company a two - week stay of execution .

  19. 在认证被缓期或被撤消之前,认证一直有效。

    Certificates are valid until being suspended or revoked .

  20. 我听说对你处分缓期执行了。

    Heard you got a stay of execution .

  21. 应付租金了,那穷汉恳求缓期付款。

    When the rent was due , the poor man pleaded for more time .

  22. 他被判处三年监禁,缓期两年执行。

    He was sentenced to three years in prison , including two years suspended .

  23. 拒绝最后上诉或缓期执行死刑。

    Barring any last-minute appeals or stays .

  24. 汽车制造商可以向环境保护局提出申请,要求缓期一年执行1975年规定。

    The automakers could petition EPA for a one year suspension of the 1975 requirements .

  25. 陈满于1992年被捕,随后被判处死刑缓期两年执行。

    Chen was arrested in 1992 and sentenced to death with a two year reprieve .

  26. 复核死刑立即执行案件不规定具体期限,复核死刑缓期执行案件规定具体期限;

    While for reviewing death penalty suspended execution , the specific time limit should be stipulated ;

  27. 他被允许缓期服役。

    His military service was deferred .

  28. 中风后多长时间临床医师就能够预测功能恢复到达平缓期的获益比率?

    How soon after stroke can clinicians predict that the rate of gains has reached a plateau ?

  29. 政。府。给予她们缓期一年的判决并告诉她们要遵守“有关规定”。

    It gave them a one-year suspended sentence and told them to abide by " relevant rules " .

  30. 美国一名女子在威胁称要杀死物理学家史蒂芬·霍金之后,被判入狱,缓期执行。

    An American woman has receive a suspended jail sentences after she threatened to kill physicist Stephen Hawking .