
After the transplant , Half commodity matrix ( T3 ) can shorten the time of seeding , increase the survival rate , in 30 d and 60 d agronomic characters is superior to other treatment .
After transplant seedling survival quickly , survival rate was very high .
The cuttage included 4 stages ( autotrophy stage , rooting stage , transplanting seedling stage and growth stage ) .
Therefore the technique of facilities greenhouse seedlings can effectively solve the problem of transplant slow seedlings and early bolting rate .
In contrast , potted seedlings transplanted and inseminate technology can effectively avoid mechanical damage , slow-fast , seedling quality high , low section-spike tiller , rate , saving costs and many other features .
Compared to plastic mulching , when cabbage was grown in the small plastic arches , the seedlings grew and expanded faster , more leaves were developed and the ball was more tightly compacted , resulting in high production and early market supply .
However , Castanea mollissima cultivation is prior to field seedling propagation now , owing to its taproot characteristic and feeble regeneration capability of root system , lead to injure root seriously when seedlings transplant forestation , revive seedling slowly and fruit late .
The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) In the case of low rainfall early , reduced the ridge body height could improve significantly the rhizosphere soil moisture and conducive to the growth and development of rejuvenation and tobacco plants .