
The data obtained from ice core indicates that climate changes from warm to cold is gradual and from cold to warm is rapid , the coldest climate is about 23 Ka during the late Pleistocene .
It happens slowly in the context , without obvious training happening .
And the recovery is , slowly , still happening .
Did pain come on slowly or suddenly ? How long have you had this pain ?
Life on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth .
Mr klucharev points out that the processes that occur rapidly in crowds are akin to changes in attitude that occur slowly in more diffuse groups .
The produce potassium manganate reacted with luminol or fluorescein very slowly ;
Changes come slowly and are generally impermanent .
While attitudes are slowly changing , many Chinese still take a conservative view of homosexuality .
Contractual incompleteness and the fact of wage , price and interest rate as basic rents however make the adjustment not occurring or occurring slowly .
Overexpression of CDK11 ~ ( p58 ) leads to the decreased cell growth , change in morphology , disorder in mitosis , and arrest in G2 / M phase .
The slowly motion of the meso - β vortex is the basic cause for the event .
However , by year end inflation had cooled , and here is a slowdown did not come to pass .
Results Hepatitis E in the elderly had the following clinical features : slow onset , hyperbilirubinemia , severe functional lesion of liver , hypoproteinemia , much more complications , and longer clinical course .
Fracture test indicated that brittle unstable fracture occured after ductile crack initiation and slow propagation for all the compact tension ( CT ) specimens , except one welded joint specimen was brittle crack initiation .
Results The incidence of arrhythmias ( including tachycardia and bradycardia ) was 54 5 % ( 48 patients ) in the 88 VAP patients .
Fracture test of the BT20 indicates that brittle unstable fracture occurs after ductile crack initiation and slow propagation for all the compact tension ( CT ) specimens .
Creep laws are applied and show that concrete deforms slowly and no creep failure occurs when the tensile stress is lower than the creep rupture strength of concrete .
It was found that reaction temperature has great impact in the reaction process : when the temperature is high , polymerization reacted rapidly , but overly temperature may bring about explosive polymerization ; If the temperature is too low the reaction may be not occur .