
  • 网络Détente;detente
  1. 鲁哈尼是否能采取缓和政策仍有待观察,但是目前庆祝活动还在持续。

    Whether Rohani can moderate Iran 's policies remains to be seen , but for now the celebrations continue .

  2. 为此,日本政府通过制订有关金融法规推进金融改革、实行金融稳定政策和金融缓和政策,加强金融监督和金融检查等有关措施,千方百计地解决不良债权问题。

    Therefore , the Japanese government has tried its best to solve the problem by making relevant financial laws , exercising financial reforms , carrying out stable and mitigating financial policies , enhancing financial supervision and check-up and by employing many other measures .

  3. 具有讽刺意义的是,作为影响中苏关系的重要因素,美国在这一时期对中苏关系恶化分裂的反应比较迟钝,大部分时间里仍然执行对华敌视和对苏有限缓和的政策。

    Ironically , regarded as the important factor of Sino-Soviet relation , U.S.A. was obtuse , its policy antagonized to China and relax Soviet most of the time .

  4. 回弹效应指个体行为或者系统针对缓和环境影响的政策所做出的反应,这种反应会抵消政策和技术的效用。

    The rebound effect refers to a behavioral or other systemic response to a measure taken to reduce environmental impacts that offsets the effect of the measure .

  5. 即使采取缓和大气变化的政策能够使温室气体排放量降低,大气温室气体浓度仍将持续上升直至排放速率低于移除速率。

    Even if policies to mitigate climate change caused GHG emissions to fall , atmospheric GHG concentrations would continue to rise unless emissions fell to the removal rate .