
  • 网络Thatcherism;Thatcherite
  1. 如果没有撒切尔主义,就不会有”伦敦金融城大爆炸

    Without Thatcherism , the big bang would not have happened .

  2. 最可悲的或许是,撒切尔主义已丧失了道德高地。

    Perhaps most damagingly , Thatcherism has lost the moral high ground .

  3. 当前,世界需要的是更多的撒切尔主义,而不是更少。

    What the world needs now is more Thatcherism , not less .

  4. 第二种批评直指撒切尔主义的实质。

    The second criticism addresses the substance of Thatcherism .

  5. 托尼·布莱尔将撒切尔主义稍加修改就赢得了几次大选。

    Tony Blair won several elections by offering Thatcherism without the rough edges .

  6. 在国际上,撒切尔主义也不再流行。

    Thatcherism is also out of fashion internationally .

  7. 不仅在理论上,而且在实践中,撒切尔主义正在被摈弃之中。

    In practice as well as in theory , Thatcherism is in the process of being abandoned .

  8. 所有这些都归结到一个问题,而这个问题永远不会有答案:什么是撒切尔主义?

    This all raises a question to which there will never be an answer : what is Thatcherism ?

  9. 撒切尔主义对英国教育政策的影响主要体现在1988年教育改革法中。

    Thatcherism 's influence on the policy of education reflects mainly on the Education Reform Act in 1988 .

  10. 作为一位单调乏味的商人,哈蒙德可能有“福克斯95%的右翼倾向”,一位撒切尔主义者坦诚道。

    A dry-as-dust businessman , he is perhaps " 95 % as right-wing as Liam Fox ", admits one Thatcherite .

  11. 20世纪70年代末、80年代初的撒切尔主义、里根革命,引发了西方世界20余年历久不衰的新保守主义浪潮。

    In the late 1970s or early 1980s , Thatcherism and Reagan Revolution caused new conservatism existing over 20 years .

  12. 自20世纪70年代末开始,由于新公共管理主义和撒切尔主义的影响,英国大学自治表现出新的特点。

    From the end of 1970s , the English university autonomy displays new characteristics because of the new public management principle and the Thatcher principle .

  13. 到目前为止,英国或西方世界没有一位重要政治人物真正条理清楚地提出能够取代自由市场原则的思想,而自由市场思想源自于撒切尔主义。

    As yet , no major political figure in Britain or the western world has really articulated a coherent alternative to the free-market principles inherited from Thatcherism .

  14. 并且加剧了他与首相之间的紧张关系,这要追溯到在2005年他以一个撒切尔主义者的身份在保守党领导人选举时挑战“现代化”的卡梅伦。

    This aggravated tensions that dated back to the Conservative leadership contest in2005 , when Dr Fox was a Thatcherite rival to the " modernising " Mr Cameron .

  15. 撒切尔主义的核心是反对现状,力争自由&这看上去难以理解。因为作为一个循规蹈矩,并且不停向上的奋斗者,从某种程度上来说,她是保守主义的化身。

    The essence of Thatcherism was to oppose the status quo and bet on freedom & odd , since as a prim , upwardly mobile striver , she was in some ways the embodiment of conservatism .

  16. 撒切尔主义的核心是反对现状,力争自由——这看上去难以理解。因为作为一个循规蹈矩,并且不停向上的奋斗者,从某种程度上来说,她是保守主义的化身。

    The essence of Thatcherism was to oppose the status quo and bet on freedom - odd , since as a prim , upwardly mobile striver , she was in some ways the embodiment of conservatism .

  17. 尽管有些论据言之有理,但是,如果没有了撒切尔主义,英国经济可能仍处于国家调控之下,经济制高点可能仍掌握在政府手中,武装起来的工会组织或许会成为这个国家中的一种势力。

    Some of this is true ; but then without Thatcherism Britain 's economy would still be mired in state control , the commanding heights of its economy would be owned by the government and militant unions would be a power in the land .

  18. 1979年撒切尔夫人成为英国第一任女首相。她提出的政策被为撒切尔主义。

    Thatcherism referred to the policies put forward by Margaret Thatcher , the first woman prime minister in England in 1979 .