
  1. 英国乘骑炮兵在伦敦海德公园鸣41炮制经。

    A41 gun saluted in London 's Hyde Park by the king 's troop royal horse artillery .

  2. 选手们顶着严寒在伦敦海德公园参加每年一度的圣诞节游泳比赛。

    In London 's Hyde Park , swimmers braved the cold for the annual Christmas day swimming race .

  3. 前一天,维多利亚和孩子们去了伦敦海德公园,她还分享了一张满是花朵的照片。

    The previous day , Victoria had shared a snap as she planted a number of flowers in London 's Hyde Park with her children .

  4. 伦敦海德公园进行阅兵,发生了悲剧,一匹战马在震惊的公众面前被人道毁灭。

    Members of the public looked on in horror today as an army horse died on parade during a freak accident in London 's Hyde Park .

  5. 首届世博会在英国伦敦海德公园的水晶宫举行,当时被称为“伟大的展览”。

    The first World Expo came about in the United Kingdom and was then known as the Great Exhibition , held in the Crystal Palace at Hyde Park .

  6. 当地媒体报道也说,这套6200平方英尺(576平方米)公寓的单价已经是亚洲有史以来最高,在世界上仅次于伦敦的海德公园一号(OneHydePark),位居第二。

    Local media reports also said that for a unit sized at 6,200 square feet , it was the highest price per square foot ever paid in Asia and the second-highest in the world , after London 's One Hyde Park .

  7. 他在伦敦的海德公园制作了他的电影,随后在家观看。

    He made his film in Hyde park , london , and later watched it in his home .

  8. 目前,伦敦奢华百货公司哈罗斯和伦敦标志性地点海德公园周边的房价已经超过每平方英尺(1平方英尺约合0.09平方米)4340美元。

    At more than $ 4,340 a square foot , the mortgage buys a spot within walking distance of tony stores like Harrods and London 's iconic Hyde Park .

  9. Opus公寓每平方英尺大约售价9000美元,有望加入伦敦和纽约超豪华公寓的阵营,比如伦敦的海德公园一号(OneHydePark)和纽约的中央公园西路15楼盘(15CentralParkWest)。

    At an estimated $ 9000 per square foot , Opus aspires to be in the same league as ultra-luxury developments in London and Manhattan such as One Hyde Park and 15 Central Park West .