
  • 网络Science Museum;London Science Museum;The Science Museum London
  1. 伊恩·布拉奇福德爵士�伦敦科学博物馆馆长

    Sir Ian Blatchford , Director , Science Museum

  2. “斯蒂芬·霍金办公室中的遗物将被移至伦敦科学博物馆。其中最具代表性的是他的轮椅,它象征着霍金曾面临的身体上的挑战,也代表了他克服挑战的力量和决心。”

    The contents of Stephen Hawking 's office will be transferred to the Science Museum in London . Most iconic of all is his wheelchair – a symbol of the physical challenges he faced , and also the strength and determination he had to overcome them .

  3. 有关重大发明的信息与介绍,公众都可以在伦敦科学博物馆中了解到。

    Information on all the items is found at the Science Museum in London .

  4. 英国皇家艺术学院的首届交通工具设计系学生设计的概念车这个月初在伦敦科学博物馆展出。

    Royal College of Art 's first transportation design students designed concept car earlier this month in London Science Museum .

  5. 一次脑部肿瘤切除手术将于本周末在英国伦敦科学博物馆内进行。

    An operation to remove a brain tumour will be shown live in Britain for the first time later this week .

  6. 当2012年迎来自己70岁的时候,斯蒂芬·霍金获得了伦敦科学博物馆的特别展览这项殊荣。

    When he turned 70 in 2012 , Stephen Hawking was honored with a special exhibit at London 's Science Museum .

  7. 在伦敦科学博物馆珍藏的诸多机械工具以及人工制品中有一种很像水管工杰作的特殊的精巧装置。

    AMONG the many gadgets , instruments and artefacts in its care , London 's Science Museum holds a peculiar contraption that most resembles the work of a deranged plumber .

  8. 伦敦科学博物馆刚翻新了专门用于展示遗传学、身份认证技术和脑科学的“我是谁”陈列室。

    The Science Museum in London has just undertaken a refresh of its Who am I ? gallery , which is dedicated to the genetics , identity and brain science .

  9. 太阳会灼伤痕迹上的碗,因为它在地球上空盘旋了-上面是一个原始图片现住在伦敦科学博物馆内。

    The sun would burn a trace on the bowl as it the earth circled it-the above is a picture of the original now housed at the Science Museum in London .

  10. 虽然没有预计项目完成日期,第一个原型是目前陈列在现代世界的制作在伦敦科学博物馆展出。

    Although there is no projected date of completion for the project , the first prototype is currently on display in the Making the Modern World exhibit at the Science Museum in London .

  11. 研究人员在伦敦科学博物馆对12000位受试者进行测试,实验结果表明,大部分人们倾向于让食物离自己远一点,最好摆在稍微偏右的地方。

    An experiment involving 12,000 people , carried out at London 's Science Museum , suggests that most people prefer their meal to be aligned facing away from them , and marginally to the right .

  12. 一万两千人在伦敦的科学博物馆对做了一项实验,结果表明大多数人都更偏向菜肴不正对他们摆放,喜欢稍稍偏向右边摆。

    An experiment involving 12000 people , carried out at London 's Science Museum , suggests that most people prefer their meal to be aligned facing away from them , and marginally to the right .