
  • 网络ethic value;ethical value
  1. 论人性尊严的伦理价值及其宪法意义

    On the Ethic Value and Constitutional Significance of Human Dignity

  2. 论法律规范中伦理价值的异化及归同

    On divergence and return of ethic value in law

  3. 健康是人的可行能力和人类福祉(well-being)的最基本组成部分之一,具有重要的生命伦理价值。

    Health is the one of most important elements of well-being for human beings with great bio-ethical value .

  4. 第三章探讨了佛教因果思想的伦理价值。

    The third chapter discusses buddhist causal thought of ethical values .

  5. 《周易》的人格类型与伦理价值导向

    The Personality Types and its Ethical Value Presented by Zhou Yi

  6. 公共行政伦理价值定位与规范体系

    The Value Location of the Public Administrative Ethic and Related Principles

  7. 传统目录学的伦理价值及其形而上学侧面

    The Ethical Values and the Metaphysical Aspect of the Traditional Bibliography

  8. 儒家是一种理性的伦理价值生命意识,重视个体生命价值的实现,关注群体命运,积极入世;

    The Confucianist is one rational ethics value life consciousness .

  9. 论盘古神话的自然生态伦理价值

    On Natural , ecological and Ethical Value of Pangu Mythology

  10. 论克罗齐史学思想中的伦理价值观

    On the Ethical Values in Benedetto Croce 's Historical Thought

  11. 从价值论看生态伦理价值主体

    The Value Subject of Environmental Ethics as Viewed from Theory of Values

  12. 可持续发展的伦理价值观综述

    A Survey on the Environmental Ethics View of Sustainable Development

  13. 社会工作伦理价值在社区矫正中的彰显

    Highlighting the Ethical Value of Social Work in Community Correction

  14. 竞技体育的伦理价值研究

    The Research of the Value of Ethics of Athletic Competition

  15. 英国浪漫主义诗人神性自然观的生态伦理价值

    The Ecological Ethics in the Nature of English Romantic Poets

  16. 在历史文明的进程中,社会伦理价值也在发生历史性的变迁。

    With the course of history , social value changes in process .

  17. 伦理价值观对软件开发具有深刻的影响。

    Ethic values have profound influence on the software development .

  18. 论西方马克思主义对生态伦理价值观的发展

    On the Development of Western Marxism on Ecological Ethics

  19. 人格概念的伦理价值判断功能应该让位于它的法律技术功能。

    The ethical judgments of personality should be submitted to its legal function .

  20. 科学技术可持续发展及其伦理价值研究

    Research on the Sustainable Development of Science and Technology and Its Ethical Value

  21. 建筑伦理价值观的扩展&批判的环境伦理观

    Expansion about the Value of Architectural Ethic & View of Critical Environment Ethic

  22. 民族传统的伦理价值观及其现代意义&义利之辨与新世纪的道德建设

    The View of Traditional Ethics and Its Modern Significance

  23. 跨国公司的行为同其伦理价值观密切相关。

    MNCs ' actions in China are closely related to their ethical values .

  24. 中西方伦理价值观之比较

    The Comparative Study on Chinese and Western Ethical Concept

  25. 试论晚期希腊哲学的个人伦理价值观

    The Individual Ethics and Value in Late Greek Philosophy

  26. 小康社会伦理价值体系建设初探

    A Tentative Study on Constructing Ethic Value System Fit for Building Better-off Society

  27. 论监护权伦理价值转型之源考

    A Probe into the Ethics Transition of Guardianship

  28. 在现实中,科学的伦理价值则显现出双重性:正伦理价值与负伦理价值。

    In reality , the ethical value demonstrates dual value : positive and negative .

  29. 伦理价值规范与医疗经济行为

    Code of Ethical Value and Medical Economic Action

  30. 制度的伦理价值与制度伦理

    The Ethical Value of Institution and Institution Ethics