
  • 网络london chinatown;China Town
  1. 然而,租金并不是伦敦唐人街商家要努力应对的唯一问题。

    However , rent is not the only issue that London Chinatown businesses have to struggle with .

  2. 在伦敦唐人街,商家已成为英国边境管理局(UKBorderAgency)定期搜查的目标。该局正在对非法劳工进行整治。

    In London 's Chinatown , businesses have become the target of regular raids by a UK Border Agency that is clamping down on illegal workers .

  3. 地产管理公司沙夫茨伯里(Shaftesbury)并不认为房租上涨给周边带来不利影响,称任何繁荣城市的租金都已稳步上涨。在伦敦唐人街,有65家餐厅和酒吧在租用该公司的房子。

    Shaftesbury , a property management company that rents out space for 65 restaurants and bars in London 's Chinatown , dismisses the argument that rent increases are having a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood , saying that rents have gone up steadily as they would in any prosperous city .

  4. 但郑健强担忧,由于很难应对不断上涨的房租和其他挑战,这些充满活力的社区将会消失。从伦敦唐人街到旧金山唐人街,这样的担忧普遍存在。

    But Mr Chen is voicing a fear , felt in Chinatowns from London to San Francisco , that the struggle to keep up with rising rents and other challenges will prompt these vibrant communities to disappear .

  5. 活动的中心就是伦敦的唐人街。

    The epicentre of the day 's celebrations was London 's Chinatown .

  6. 伦敦的唐人街是该市主要旅游景点之一。

    London 's Chinatown is one of the city 's major tourist attractions .

  7. 旧金山、纽约和伦敦的唐人街已成为中国文化得以传播的窗口。

    China Towns in San Francisco , New York , and London have provided gateways from which Chinese culture has been able to spread .