
  • 网络LIFFE;London International Futures and Options Exchange-LIFFE
  1. 广发期货总经理肖成表示:成为伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所的会员,使我们的客户能够投资于国际市场,同时这也是广发集团国际化进程的重要一步。

    Xiao Cheng , general manager of GF Futures , said : Being a member of NYSE Liffe offers our customers access to an international market , as well as being a major step to the internationalisation of GF Group .

  2. 投资银行家表示,伦敦未能收购伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所,令其数年来一直成为一个被收购目标。

    It was the LSE 's failure to seize Liffe that , investment bankers say , condemned it to years as an acquisition target .