
  • 网络Arundel;Lord Arundel
  1. 恩,还有几个美丽的城堡有:华威城堡(WarwickCastle)斯特灵城堡(StirlingCastle)阿伦德尔城堡(ArundelCastle)

    D : Some other famous castles in theUKworth visiting are , Warwick Castle , Stirling Castle and Arundel Castle .

  2. 我是阿伦德尔控股公司的财务总监乔治·布利斯。

    My name 's George Bliss . I 'm the Financial Director of Arundel Holdings .

  3. 上月,在邻近的更富裕的安妮阿伦德尔县,321名幼儿园老师参加了针对新课程的培训。

    In neighboring , more affluent Anne Arundel County , 321 kindergarten teachers last month attended training sessions on the new curriculum .

  4. 上周早些时候,在安妮阿伦德尔社区学院教工商管理的雷布·贝蒂教授进行了本学期的第一次考试。

    Earlier last week , Professor Reb Beatty , who teaches business administration at Anne Arundel Community College , held the first test of the semester .

  5. 一三七九年,有英格兰舰队满载武士,由约翰.阿伦德尔爵士率领,出发赴法国不塔尼,途中遇上风暴。

    In1379 , when a fleet of English knights under Sir John Arundel was on its way to Brittany , France , it was overtaken by a storm .

  6. 这是一个富有想象力的花园,它的设计就像阿伦德尔伯爵俯瞰伦敦泰晤士河的城市宫殿相似。

    It is in fact an imaginative re-reation of what the Collector Earl 's Formal garden may have been like at Arundel house , his town palace overlooking the Thames in London .

  7. 如果你喜欢钓鱼、射击、骑马和很具英国特色的消遣&观獾的话,那么你就会喜欢呆在利夫顿的18世纪的阿伦德尔阿姆斯饭店。

    If fishing , shooting , riding , and the very English pastime of badger spotting is more your thing , you will enjoy a stay at the18th-century Arundell Arms Hotel in lifton .

  8. 如同安妮阿伦德尔县这样,华盛顿州和明尼苏达州开始培训州内的教师,让他们了解所谓目的性玩耍的重要性:教师悉心引导学童借由游戏、艺术与一般的乐趣达成学习目标。

    Like Anne Arundel County here , Washington and Minnesota are beginning to train teachers around the state on the importance of so-called purposeful play & when teachers subtly guide children to learning goals through games , art and general fun .

  9. 如同安妮阿伦德尔县这样,华盛顿州和明尼苏达州开始培训州内的教师,让他们了解所谓“目的性玩耍”的重要性:教师悉心引导学童借由游戏、艺术与一般的乐趣达成学习目标。

    Like Anne Arundel County here , Washington and Minnesota are beginning to train teachers around the state on the importance of so-called purposeful play - when teachers subtly guide children to learning goals through games , art and general fun .