
  • 网络asser;Asse;Ase
  1. 在本比赛季节阿塞瑙尔足球俱乐部已招聘到许多有前途的年轻队员。

    Arsenal have signed up a number of promising youngsters this season .

  2. 外表来看,伊基•阿塞莉娅并不像一个典型的说唱歌手。

    Iggy Azalea doesn 't look like a typical rapper .

  3. 沿着位于阿塞边疆首都巴库的里海岸散步,你会闻到空气中弥漫着石油的气味。

    WALK along the shore of the Caspian sea in Azerbaijan 's capital , Baku , and you smell oil in the air .

  4. 截至目前,今年全球歌坛无疑是女歌手的天下:碧昂斯•诺斯,泰勒•斯威夫特,伊基•阿塞莉娅都大红大紫。

    So far , this year 's global music market has definitely been dominated by women : Beyonce Knowles , Taylor Swift , and Iggy Azalea are all making waves .