
  1. 我们大家这样一逼,福尔摩斯反而显出迟疑不决的样子。

    Thus pressed by us all , Holmes showed signs of irresolution .

  2. 他报怨说有种种不公平的待遇,可是我一逼他说明,他更把话题扯开。

    He made all sorts of vague complaints of unfair treatment , but as soon as I tried to nail him down he brushed the subject aside .

  3. 我们把伊斯玛一路逼到这里。

    We chased Yzma all the way down here .

  4. 他们住在一个逼仄的小套间里。

    They live in a poky little flat .

  5. 是啊很好笑你们差点把一个人逼疯掉

    Yeah , hilarious . You 've nearly driven a man out of his mind .

  6. 被警告其海拔下度将有20英尺的降降的海岸线从杭州一苯逼到越南。

    The coastline warned of a20 foot drop in sea level elevation stretched from Hangzhou south along the coastline to Vietnam .

  7. 星期日,唐鹏准备发球时,球迷们就会发出嘘声,有一次逼得他只能离开球桌。

    On Sunday , fans hissed when Tang prepared to serve , forcing him on one occasion to step away from the table .

  8. 女性作家和理论家只有正视身体的局限,才能避免女性写作进入一个逼仄的空间。

    Female writers and theorist have to face up to the limitation to keep the bodily writing from getting into a narrow space .

  9. 他干脆就在会议沙滩的上空讲课,进行教练,头一次逼着学生们施展全部才能。

    He held his practice sessions directly over the Council Beach and for the first time began pressing his students to the limit of their ability .

  10. 过去几年,我们所面对的一个逼切任务是金融风暴对民生的冲击。

    The urgent task that we have to face in the past few years is the impact of the Asian financial turmoil on the well-being of our people .

  11. 3D打印磁金字塔是一款高逼格的桌上玩具,其内部构造及其整体都非常具有趣味性和娱乐性,并且,它所象征的东西也非常有意义。

    ServiceBrand Global created a 3D printed executive desk toy , which , in and of itself , is fun and entertaining to play with , but what it stands for is equally significant .

  12. 我要找一个牛逼的女孩,她要从里到外地牛逼。

    Iam looking for a beautiful girl , outside and inside .

  13. 他一个劲儿逼我还债。

    He keeps pushing me for payment of the debt .

  14. 一个不会逼你去杀人或是把你羞辱到抬不起头的伴侣。

    Someone who doesn 't drive you to commit murder or doesn 't humiliate you beyond repair .

  15. 上个月我们已经有了一个牛逼闪闪的群星派对集中在第五宫真爱宫里。

    Last month we had a glorious buildup of planets in Aries that filled your house of true love .

  16. 这批新的人出来了,就对老科学家、老工程师、老教授、老教员将了一军,逼得他们非前进不可。

    The emergence of these new forces will pose a challenge to the old scientists , engineers , professors and teachers and spur them on .

  17. 当某人说到“一脸懵逼”之时,首先进入人们大脑的不是词语本身的意思,而是社交媒体上的那些趣图。

    When someone says this phrase , what first comes to people 's minds is not the meaning itself , but rather the funny drawings on social media .

  18. 这不是让一个牛逼门将来我们这里度过晚年生涯,坦率的说这个门在米宝宝和富咸的表现只能说上课而已。

    It 's not as if we 're getting the tail end of a World Class player 's career-he 's a decent enough keeper who played for Boro and Fulham .

  19. 既然自从她成为妇人以来的多年中,几乎始终品尝着苦艾和芦荟,难道这时就不会有一种难以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住气吸上一大杯这种苦剂吗?

    Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last , long , breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes , with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been perpetually flavoured ?

  20. 我最近到访韩国时,一位客户就逼我的司机透露具体的时间安排表。

    On a recent trip a client bullied my driver into revealing my schedule .

  21. 弗里曼又一次把他逼向台边。

    Foreman again pushing him against the ropes .

  22. 但酒桌上却兴起一种劝酒、逼酒、赌酒之风。

    However , a climate of urging , forcing or gambling to drink has arose at the feast .

  23. 达米安非常了解法国的情况,他有一张很牛逼的球员网。

    " Damien knows the French scene especially , and he 's got a big scouting network ," said the Tottenham manager .

  24. 他这样说过以后,便走开了,只剩下彬格莱小姐一个人。她逼着他说出了这几句话,本以为可以借此得意一番,结果只落得自讨没趣。

    He then went away , and Miss Bingley was left to all the satisfaction of having forced him to say what gave no one any pain but herself .

  25. 她感到必须向他靠近,却也遭到抵抗,有一种反冲动逼使她退缩开去。

    She felt that she must lean toward him , and resisted by an effort . Then , too , there was the counter impulse to shrink away from him .

  26. 去年,一名逃离西非逼害的15岁男孩被困在香港机场多个月后,向最高法院质疑政府的难民政策。

    A15-year-old boy who fled from persecution in West Africa and wound up stranded at Hong Kong airport for months challenged the government 's refugee policy in the High Court yesterday .

  27. 好吧,他对她笑着说,我这就去动手术。她感到必须向他靠近,却也遭到抵抗,有一种反冲动逼使她退缩开去。

    " OK . " He smiled at her . " I 'll do it . " She felt that she must lean toward him , and resisted by an effort . Then , too , there was the counter impulse to shrink away from him .

  28. 它朝卡德摩斯一点一点地逼过来,卡德摩斯边退边用长矛在那怪物的大嘴前挑逗。

    As he moved onward , Cadmus retreated before him , holding his spear opposite to the monster 's opened jaws .

  29. 我是说为什么要花五分钟对Serena友善呢,而我用一天又一天的时间逼自己,在你们两个人中选一个?

    I mean , why spend five minutes trying to be nice to Serena when I can spend day after day , forced to choose between the two of you ?

  30. 向失业人群提供医疗保险势在必行:没有医疗保险的话,一场疾病会把一个家庭逼入破产的境地。

    It is imperative to provide health insurance to the unemployed : without that , a single serious incident can push a family into bankruptcy .