
  • 网络Bowl;a large bowl of
  1. 我狼吞虎咽地喝了一大碗麦片粥。

    I munched my way through a huge bowl of cereal .

  2. 他喝干了一大碗酒。

    He drank up a whole bowl .

  3. 我吃了份什锦色拉——是卖3.20英镑的一大碗。

    I had a mixed salad — a huge bowlful for £ 3.20 .

  4. 他们吃了一大碗麦片粥。

    They ate a large bowlful of cereal

  5. 女主人端上一大碗热气腾腾的饺子。

    Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings .

  6. 这么一大碗面条我实在吃不了。

    I really can 't finish such a big bowl of noodles .

  7. 做一大碗爆米花,互相依偎在DVD前看个家庭电影。

    Make a large bowl of popcorn and snuggle in front of the DVD to watch a family movie .

  8. 穿白色外套的服务员给我们端上来一大碗汤,是加了海带与小麦片(bulgar)的胡萝卜汤。

    A tureen of soup carrot , with seaweed and Bulgar is brought in by a waiter in a white coat .

  9. 告诉仆人们,他们将会有一大碗桃子。

    Tell the servants they will have a bowl of punch .

  10. 就如一大碗通心粉:

    It can be a bit like a bowl of spaghetti :

  11. 弄好后,把熟麦粉倒入一大碗中,用叉子弄松。

    Transfer to a large bowl ; fluff with a fork .

  12. 是啊,你刚刚才吃了一大碗麦片。

    Yeah , you just ate a bushel of cereal .

  13. 和它们一起的,还有一大碗热气腾腾的豌豆。

    Along with them came a big , steaming bowl of peas .

  14. 我想要一大碗面条。

    I a bowl noodles . I a bowl noodles .

  15. 当土豆凉至可用手操作时,把土豆切大丁放入一大碗中。

    When cool enough to handle , quarter potatoes into a large bowl .

  16. 你们有什么特色菜?你想要一大碗西红柿汤吗?

    What are your specialties ? You want a bowl of tomato soup ?

  17. 你能吃完一大碗面条吗?

    Can you manage a big bowl of noodles ?

  18. 他进屋给我端上一大碗热腾腾的肉汤。

    He entered and served me with a big bowl of steaming broth .

  19. 把曼尼拴在后院留一大碗狗食给他

    Got Manny tied up in the backyard . Big bowl of kibble .

  20. 丹尼做了一大碗草。

    Danny has made a big bowl of grass .

  21. 我简直饿坏了,狼吞虎咽地吃了一大碗米饭。

    I was so starving that I wolfed down a big bowl of rice .

  22. 你想要一大碗西红柿汤吗?

    You want a bowl of tomato soup ?

  23. 我喝了一大碗稀饭。

    I ate a big bowl of porridge .

  24. 到家了,相斌捧出一大碗苦茶让我解渴。

    Xiangbin served a bowl of bitter tea to thirsty me after we arrived home .

  25. 我们全都连在一起就像一大碗意大利面

    Yeah , well , we 're all connected like a big bowl of linguini .

  26. 为啥受欢迎:一大碗牛肉拉面本身就已经是一份正餐。

    Why we love it : Bowls of beef noodle soup are full meals in themselves .

  27. 在一大碗里混合土豆,洋葱,切碎的蛋,酸黄瓜。

    In a large bowl , combine the potatoes , chopped eggs , pickles and onion .

  28. 偶尔我喜欢尽情地享受一大碗冰淇淋。

    Once in a while I like to indulge in a Big Bowl of ice cream .

  29. 他早饭喝了一大碗麦片,匆匆忙忙就上班去了。

    He ate a full bowl of cereal for breakfast and went to work in a hurry .

  30. 女主人端上一大碗热气腾腾的饺子。嗯,我喜欢吃饺子!

    Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings . Mmm . I like dumplings !