
  1. 每一元人民币促进经济增长的能力正在萎缩。

    The power of each new yuan to generate economic growth is waning .

  2. 近几个月信贷扩张有所放缓,但增速仍远远高于GDP,同时每一元借入的人民币产生的经济增长越来越少。

    Credit expansion has slowed in recent months , but is still growing a lot faster than GDP , while providing less and less growth for each renminbi borrowed .

  3. 四年来,芝罘区共为全市动漫产业投入资金近一个亿元人民币。

    Four years , the city 's animation industry Zhifu total investment of nearly one billion yuan .

  4. 王翔举全力投资一点二亿元人民币兴建防洪工程。

    Xiang Wang spared no efforts in investing 120 million yuan in the construction of the flood prevention project .

  5. 每家还将获赠一张200元人民币的交通卡。

    Each household will receive a200-yuan ( US $ 29.30 ) public transport card commemoratingthe event as another bonus .

  6. 那人递给他一张50元人民币面额的钞票,约合8美元,王宝成接过钱,步履蹒跚地走开了。

    The man offered a 50-renminbi bill , about $ 8 , and Mr. Wang took it and stumbled away .

  7. 张:刘小姐,您看,银行寄来之对账单中有一笔30000元人民币之支出和我们日记账对不上啊!

    Zhang : Look here , Ms Liu , I cannot find a30000-Yuan payout in the Journal , which is noted in the bank statement .

  8. 苹果公司可以推出一款售价2000元人民币(330美元)的迷你iPhone,这样就能和联想(Lenovo)、华为(Huawei)、中兴(ZTE)和酷派(Coolpad)的旗舰产品相抗衡了。

    That Apple could launch a 2000 yuan ( $ 330 ) iPhone mini and be competitive with flagship products from Lenovo , Huawei , ZTE and Coolpad .

  9. •苹果公司可以推出一款售价2000元人民币(330美元)的迷你iPhone,这样就能和联想(Lenovo)、华为(Huawei)、中兴(ZTE)和酷派(Coolpad)的旗舰产品相抗衡了。

    • that Apple could launch a 2,000 yuan ( $ 330 ) iPhone mini and be competitive with flagship products from Lenovo , Huawei , ZTE and Coolpad .

  10. 一美元价值8.2元人民币。

    A dollar is valued at eight point two RMB yuan .

  11. 根据今天的兑换率,每一美元等于8.32元人民币。

    At today 's exchange rate * every US dollar is equivalent to8.32 yuan RMB .

  12. 截止到2011年4月16日,一美元兑换6.5327元人民币。

    As of April 16 , 2011 , the RMB exchange rate is 6.5327 yuan per dollar .

  13. 中国证券金融公司进而可以向一只1200亿元人民币的投资基金放贷,21家券商正要推出这只平准基金,在股市起到维稳作用。

    CSF could , in turn , lend to a Rmb120bn investment fund that 21 brokerages are launching to support the market .

  14. 2001年,他收到了一笔15万元人民币的支票,买了第一套房。这是他当时赚过的最大一笔钱。

    He bought his first in 2001 when he received a cheque for Rmb150000 - then the single largest sum of money he had ever earned .

  15. 香港——中国一家科技监管机构周五表示,将与一家银行合作设立一个2000亿元人民币的基金,以支持该国庞大的电子器件供应链。

    HONG KONG - A Chinese technology regulator said on Friday that it would cooperate with a bank to set up a $ 30 billion fund to support the country 's huge electronics supply chain .