
  • 网络Ilsan;ONE MOUNTAIN;Mountain
  1. 一山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋。

    One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River , with luxuriantly green sceneries .

  2. 一山一水一圣人作为一个抽象概括的观念,对中国社会的影响既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。

    As an abstract concept ," one mountain , one river and the Sage " has positive and negative influence on Chinese society .

  3. 最有名的是一山一海。

    The most famous are a mountain and a sea .

  4. 此河发源于一山上。

    The river takes its rise in ( from ) a mountain .

  5. 一山一水都有生机;

    Every mountain and stream has a place .

  6. 大厂锡石多金属硫化物矿床的生成、发展和演化是该盆一山构造系发展演化的产物,受盆-山构造系的控制。

    Formation , development and evolution of the ore deposits are mainly controlled by the basin-and-range tectonic system .

  7. 黄海渤海分界线清晰可见,形成了老铁山“一山担两海”的自然景观。

    The demarcation line between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Seas is clearly visible , with Laotie Mountain wedged between them .

  8. 中国人民志愿军要爱护朝鲜的一山一水一草一木

    The Chinese people 's volunteers should cherish every hill , every river , every tree and every blade of grass in Korea

  9. 金明民的新电影《毁灭者》昨天下午四点在一山举行了祈祷仪式。

    The prayer ceremony for Kim Myung Min 's new movie ," The Destroyed Man " was held at4 pm yesterday in Ilsan .

  10. 在这里我就解析一下什么叫强中自有强中手,一山还有一山高的道理吧。

    Here I look at what is strong in the resolve strong in their own hands , there are mountain-high mountain reasoning Bar .

  11. 本研究从生态农业角度,介绍适用的复合生态农业模式一山羊圈养关键技术及其综合效益。

    The study introduce the useful models of compound ecological agriculture , the crucial techniques and synthetic benefit of goat rear livestock in pens .

  12. 说家像山,更重要的是一山难容二虎,一旦二虎相向,必须要恶斗以分轩轻。

    That 's like a mountain , more important is to let two tiger hill , once two tigers , must be scattered in porch light .

  13. 我爱祖国爱她的一草一木,一山一水,更爱她那悠久而灿烂的历史文化。

    I love Her love of the motherland is not only plants , mountain water , but also love her long and splendid history and culture .

  14. “一山不容二虎,”父亲的一位朋友说,“一块土地上不可能有两个国王。

    There cannot be two swords in one sheath , ' said one of my father 's friends . ' There cannot be two kings in one land .

  15. 山东是中国历史文化大省,一山一水一圣人闻名世界;

    Shandong is a big province of history and culture in China . " One mountain , one water , one saint " is famous all over the world .

  16. 以一山(秦岭)一水(渭河)为重点,加大环境保护力度,建设生态关中。

    We will make more efforts to protect the environment , build an ecological Guanzhong focusing on " One Mountain ( Qinling ), One River ( Weihe River )" .

  17. 作为吃一山过一山的山地民族,瑶族在标识其民族特征的传统文化各个具体方面都散发出浓烈的迁徙气息。

    As a mountain to eat off the mountain mountain nation , Yao national identity in the identity of its various specific aspects of traditional culture , emitting a thick atmosphere of movement .

  18. 很多人满心以为上了高峰能有片刻喘息,谁知攀上高峰才绝望地发现,一山更比一山高,喘息的一刻永远在前头。

    Many people think that indeed there will be a peak pause for breath , and now reached the peak of despair only to discover that the mountain more than hypocritical , breathing moment forever ahead .

  19. 一山在日本不仅弘扬佛法,而且还传播了宋学、文学及书画艺术,促进了中日文化交流。

    In Japan , Yishan not only carried forward Buddha dharma but also spread the study of Song Dynasty , literature and the art of painting and calligraphy to promote the interchange of the cultures between China and Japan .

  20. 部队驻扎在一座山上。

    The troops were stationed on a hill .

  21. 隔开一座山就是一个水库。

    The reservoir is just on the side of the hill .

  22. 多美的一座山啊!我一定要把它画进画中。

    What a beautiful mountain ! I must paint it in my picture .

  23. 在坦桑尼亚格雷戈瑞裂谷的一座山脚下,纳特龙湖呈现出火焰燃烧般的亮红色,周围都是不幸落入咸水中的动物遗体。

    At the base of a mountain in Tanzania 's Gregory Rift , Lake Natron burns bright red , surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water .

  24. 在秘鲁,有一座山上面的冰川已经成为了气候变化的牺牲品,附近的农民开始把山峰涂成白色,希望能增加反光,恢复那赋予生命的冰。

    In Peru , local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the life-giving ice .

  25. 原来,他只购得四瓶啤酒,尔后,他又翻了一座山,趟过一条河才购得另外6瓶,返回时摔坏了3瓶。

    The boy told them that he bought four bottles of beer at one store , and then he climbed another mountain and crossed a river to buy the other six .

  26. 根据以上判断出的基团并参考LiChunDu等的研究结果,可以初步推断此化合物为一种山奈酚的糖苷衍生物。

    According to the conclusions above and results of Li Chun Du et al . , we inferred this compound as a kaempferol glycoside derivative .

  27. 建在一座山脚下,俯临全城的博物馆2006年落成,它以那引人注目的玻璃外墙著称,正面覆盖了双螺旋形状的钢,代表了汽车的DNA。

    Built at the base of a hill that dominates the city , the museum inaugurated in2006 boasts a striking glass facade that covers a double spiral of steel meant to represent the automobile 's DNA .

  28. LaReserveRamatuelle,StTropez,France法国圣多佩斯坐落于地中海和圣多佩斯的一座山上,LaReserveRamatuelle是一家最近开业的旅馆,带有23个卧室,装修高雅简洁。

    On a hill above the Mediterranean and St Tropez , perches La Reserve Ramatuelle , a recently opened hotel with 23 bedrooms that are all about chic simplicity .

  29. 飞机冲向一座山,撞得粉碎。

    The plane flew into a mountain and disintegrated on impact .

  30. 位于喀什米尔北部喜马拉雅山的一座山,高英尺。

    A mountain in northern Kashmir ( 26,470 feet high ) .