
  • 网络Gezhi Academy;Christian College in China;Foochow College
  1. 在历史与现实之间&格致书院办学特色及其启示

    Between history and reality & On the features of the Gezhi Academy

  2. 上海格致书院的一份译书清单

    A List of Translated Books of the Shanghai Polytechnic Institution

  3. 上海格致书院大铁房博物馆质疑

    A Question About the Great Iron-House Museum of the Gezhi Academy in Shanghai

  4. 上海格致书院在筹建时曾有建大铁房博物馆的计划。

    When the Gezhi Academy in Shanghai was being prepared to construct , there was a plan for the Great Iron-House Museum .

  5. 首先,文章探讨了亚洲文会北中国支会对格致书院在管理模式、组织架构、人员支持等方面的影响。

    The first part primarily discusses the influences of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic on the management models , organization and staff supports of the Polytechnic Institution .

  6. 王韬主张改革科举制度,建立近代学校教育制度。在主持上海格致书院期间,他采用班级授课制和分科教学法进行教学活动,创立了考课制。

    During his prefecture of the dean in Shanghai Gezhi College , Wang adopted the school teaching system so as to carry on teaching activities with a department instruction through which he created the subject-centered system .

  7. 格致书院作为洋务运动时期中西文化交流的产物,既是洋人向华人展示先进科学技术的平台,又是华人向洋人汲取先进文化的窗口。

    The Polytechnic Institution was the product of Chinese and western culture exchange during the period . It was not only the platform on which the West showed the advanced science and technology to China , but also the opportunity for China to learn the advanced culture of the West .