
  • 网络grand;Grande;Rio Grande;Ariana Grande;Grandview
  1. 从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。

    The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days .

  2. 我们把包扔在附近的格兰德酒店后就匆匆赶往集市。

    We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market

  3. 那位可爱的老人从前常常进城来,住在格兰德大酒店。

    The darling old man used to come up and stay in the grand hotel .

  4. "在20世纪60年代,我们都有点缺乏管教,无法离家足够远或足够早,以证明我们可以自己做到自食其力,"克里斯汀·克罗斯比说。克里斯汀是《格兰德》的出版商,这本杂志的受众是那些当爷爷奶奶或外公外婆的读者。

    " in the 1960s we were all a little wild and couldn 't get away from home far enough or fast enough to prove we could do it on our own , " says Christine Crosby , publisher of Grand , a magazine for grandparents .

  5. 在今年8月份出席一场国家安全与外交听证会时,格兰德也曾被看到在玩《精灵宝可梦GO》。

    Grande was caught on camera playing Pokemon Go herself during an August meeting of the Norwegian Parliament 's Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense .

  6. 在内布拉斯加格兰德岛凯斯IH农场设备制造商的工作岗位数量早就反弹了。

    The jobs rebound came early at the Case I-H farm equipment factory in Grand Island , Neb.

  7. 两人于2018年10月分手,到2018年11月3日,格兰德发布了单曲《thanku,next》,这首歌几乎结束了他们的爱情传奇。

    The pair split in October 2018 , and by Nov. 3 , 2018 , Grande had released a track , " thank u , next , " which pretty much concluded their relationship saga .

  8. CIH在格兰德岛生产了大多数的联合收割打谷机,并把这些大型设备销往32个国家和美国的各个地方。

    Case IH makes the majority of its combines in Grand Island and ships the large machines to32 countries , as well as various points around the U.

  9. 在GuardadosdeAbajo镇,一队士兵在格兰德河畔露营,听到黑暗中传来一辆卡车的隆隆声。

    In the town of Guardados de Abajo , another army unit is camping along the Rio Grande when soldiers hear a truck rumbling in the dark .

  10. 它以年轻听众喜欢的巨星,比如爱莉安娜•格兰德(ArianaGrande)和塞琳娜•戈麦斯(SelenaGomez),以及一些从Vine等网站转过来的不太出名的明星和网红发布的视频为号召。

    Its featured feed includes stars popular with young listeners , including Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez , as well as lesser-known talent and social media personalities who have crossed over from services like Vine .

  11. 哦,玛丽亚可以往格兰德酒店给我打电话。

    Uh , Maria can call me at the Grand Hotel .

  12. 去格兰德饭店该在哪下车?

    Which stop should I get off for the grand hotel ?

  13. 格兰德岛,正朝我们这里前进

    Grand Island -- that is all moving in our direction .

  14. 在格兰德运河我们还有浮床。

    We had a floating dance floor on the grand canal .

  15. 事有凑巧,我们俩都住在格兰德旅馆。

    It happened that we were both staying at Grand Hotel .

  16. 据说格兰德旅店是镇上最好的。

    The Grand Hotel is the best in town by all accounts .

  17. 上次大家对格兰德酒店的食物有些失望。

    The Grand Hotel was a bit disappointing last time .

  18. 吉姆和梅格住在格兰德旅馆。

    Jim and Meg reside at the Grand Hotel .

  19. 去格兰德酒店的巴士站在哪?

    Where is the bus stop for grand hotel ?

  20. 到格兰德酒店有多远?

    How far is it to the grand hotel ?

  21. 格兰德酒店量本市仅有的尚具规模的旅馆。

    The grand was the only hotel of any size in the town .

  22. 哦,玛丽来可以往格兰德酒店给我打电话。回头见。

    Uh , Maria can call me at the Grand Hotel.See you later .

  23. 客人名字是约翰?格兰德。

    And the name is Mr. John Garland .

  24. 好的,没问题。7点在格兰德饭店的餐馆见。

    BOk , no problem . Grand Hotel at 7 , at the restaurant .

  25. 回到格兰德岛,虽然看起来不会有衰退。

    Back in Grand Island , though , there seems to be no slowdown .

  26. 一年前,格兰德发布了首张专辑《挚爱》。

    Almost exactly a year ago , Grande released her debut album , Yours Truly .

  27. 他住在格兰德大旅馆。

    He 's at the Grand Hotel .

  28. 然后到格兰德大道向右拐,假日宾馆就在左手边。

    Then turn right at Grand Avenue and look for the Holiday Hotel on the left .

  29. 密歇根州首府;位于密歇根州的南部和格兰德河畔。

    Capital of the state of Michigan ; located in S Michigan on the Grand river .

  30. 而现在,美国当红炸子鸡爱莉安娜•格兰德的加入更印证了这一点。

    And one hot name that adds more conviction to the list is US singer Ariana Grande .