
  • 网络Pontoon;Floating Dock;landing stage
  1. 外填料式浮头换热器储油-卸油浮动码头

    Outside-packed floating head exchanger

  2. 我们喜悦地大笑,并打电话给我们的亲朋好友(在美丽的沃希托湖周围浪漫的浮动码头上)。

    We proceeded to laugh in delight and call our friends and family from the romantic floating docks surrounded by the beautiful Lake Ouachita .

  3. 该项目被称为“浮动码头”,耗资1500万欧元,由表面覆盖橙色布料的20万只漂浮的立方体组成。

    The project , titled " The Floating Piers , " cost EUR15m to create and is made up of 200000 floating cubes covered in orange fabric .