
  1. 《华彩》标志雕塑由主雕、浮雕墙、标志台三部份组成。主雕下部是象征国家权利(权力?)

    The Statue of Huacai is composed of three parts & the statue body , an emblem stand , and the walls of relief .

  2. 纪念馆内有一面长41.80公尺,高5.40公尺的巨大浮雕墙,设计及主持制作浮雕的任务由本文作者承担。

    In the courtyard of the museum there is a big relief ( 41.80 m. long and 5.40 m.high ), which is designed and partially made by me .

  3. 主雕后面两边分别是四米高的青石浮雕墙,主题是以我国非遗文化中具有代表性、广泛性的“中国农历二十四个节气”为内容。

    And in front of the statue 's body is the emblem stand , with the ICH emblem in the middle and the designs of two characters of fei inscribed on each side .

  4. 生活在色彩之内:黄色。一条楼梯竖立在一个明亮的浮雕靠墙的黄色染污的玻璃位于科罗拉多的园石大学。

    Life in Color : Yellow A staircase stands in sharp relief against a wall of yellow stained glass at the University of Colorado in Boulder .