
  • 网络Floating-point operation;FLOPs;Giga FLOPS;MFLOPS;one petaflop
  1. RPC服务器上的浮点操作导至以零做除数。

    A floating-point operation at the RPC server caused a division by zero .

  2. 这个测试要解包含N个线性方程的密集方程组,其中浮点操作的个数是已知的(是N^3级别)。

    This test involves solving a dense system of N linear equations , where the number of floating-point operations is known ( of the order of N ^ 3 ) .

  3. 我们增加了一些新的API调用,允许计算程序进行自己的CPU测试,或者直接报告它们的浮点操作数目。

    We have added new API calls that allow applications to do their own CPU benchmarking , or directly report their floating-point operation count .

  4. 整个系统设计充分利用FPGA并行流水线操作的优点和DSP高精度浮点操作的优势,具备了高实时性、高稳定性、低功耗及易扩展等特点。

    The design of the whole system , taking full advantage of FPGA parallel pipeline operation and DSP high precision floating-point operation , possesses the characters of high effectiveness , high stability , low consumption and expansiveness .

  5. 6600使用硬件、Freon冷却系统和能完成每秒浮点操作数为3百万的单个CPU填充了四个机柜。

    The 6600 filled four cabinets with hardware , a Freon cooling system , and a single CPU capable of 3 million floating-point operations per second ( FLOPS ) .

  6. 以数据为中心的计算面临的主要挑战并不仅仅只是每秒执行的指令或每秒进行的浮点操作,还包括IOPS和数据处理的整体功率效率。

    The main challenge with data-centric computing is not instructions-per-second or floating-point-operations-per-second only , but rather IOPS and the overall power efficiency of data processing .

  7. 本文提出了一种直接采用浮点操作的混合遗传算法,分析了该算法的特点,并将其用于实现加权Myriad滤波器,即采用混合遗传算法得到加权Myriad滤波器的权值估计及其滤波输出。

    This paper presents a new hybrid genetic algorithm ( HGA ) using float point operation directly , and analyzes its characteristics , and then we use the algorithm to realize the weighted Myriad filter , getting its weights estimation and output based on the HGA .

  8. 任何浮点操作,例如加法和乘法,都可以通过几个步骤来实现

    Any floating-point operation like addition or multiplication is achieved in a few discrete steps

  9. 本文给出一种基于浮点操作的具有遗传算法机制的迭代启发式随机搜索算法。

    In this paper , a randomized searching algorithm based on floating genetic algorithm operator mechanism is investigated .

  10. 在硬件级别中,物理处理器是作为不同的执行单元进行组织的,例如定点和浮点操作单元。

    A physical processor is organized as different execution units at the hardware level , for example , fixed point and floating point operation units .

  11. 当人们考虑可伸缩性的时候,大多数的人都会立即想到一个系统如何处理大规模事物、每秒的浮点操作等等。

    When they consider scalability , many people immedi ­ ately think about how a system will handle large volumes of transactions , floating-point operations per second , and so on .

  12. 然而随着多媒体扩展对浮点操作的支持,以及日趋成熟的针对非多媒体程序的并行性发掘,利用多媒体扩展对非多媒体程序的向量化已成为提高这些程序性能的一个重要手段。

    Whereas with support for float / double point operation in multimedia extension and progress in paralleling the non-multimedia applications , non-multimedia programs vectorization with multimedia extension has become an important way to improve the programs performance .

  13. 该函数将上报应用程序指定的基准测试值,参数分别为每CPU秒可执行的浮点和整数操作数。

    This reports the results of an application-specific benchmark , expressed as number of floating-point and integer operations per CPU second .

  14. 对于浮点变量的操作只限于简单的赋值表达式和作为VUE函数的变量。

    Operations for floating point variables are limited to simple assignment expressions and as arguments to VUE functions .

  15. 浮点指令作用于单精度和双精度浮点操作数。

    Floating-point instructions operate on single-precision and double-precision floating-point operands .