
  • 网络Software algorithms;algorithms
  1. 软件算法方面,完成了基于FPGA的数据处理程序的设计和PC机上的图形显示程序设计。

    In Software algorithms , the data processing program on FPGA and the VC + + program on computer were completed .

  2. 应用于起搏器程控遥测的CRC软件算法实现

    Using software algorithms to create CRC codes in pacemaker 's programming control and remote sensing

  3. 互联网上智能Agent软件算法研究

    Research of Intelligent Agent Algorithm on Internet Applications

  4. 适用于AppleII微机的干涉图处理软件算法

    An Algorithm of Interference Pattern Processing Based on Apple II Microcomputer

  5. 综合多输出组合逻辑二级电路CAD软件算法的改进二、末日意识

    An improvement algorithm of CAD software of multiple output combinational logic two stage circuit

  6. 其中包括硬件电路的设计与实现、软件算法的设计与实现、与PC通信的实现。

    The content includes hardware circuit realization , algorithm design , software realization and communication with PC.

  7. 最后给出了系统的硬件结构以及DSP软件算法的流程。

    At last , the hardware structure of the system and the processing flow of DSP are described .

  8. 但是随着FPGA设计技术的发展,FPGA软件算法面临着许多新的问题和挑战。

    Currently , the CAD algorithm is facing numerous new challenges with the advancement of FPGA design technology .

  9. 今年春天,一个软件算法编写了一条关于地震的突发新闻稿,并发表在了《洛杉矶时报》(TheLosAngelesTimes)上。

    Last spring , a software algorithm wrote a breaking news article about an earthquake that The Los Angeles Times published .

  10. 在机器人运动控制策略上,通过软件算法分别对机器人的转向和速度进行PD控制和PID控制。

    The software was programmed to control the steering and speed of the robot which was based on PD algorithm and PID algorithm .

  11. 根据风机实验计算中有很多参数是来回迭代的,手算工作量十分巨大的,而MATLAB软件算法函数设计了程序,编制一个用于处理实验数据的软件。

    Many parameters in the calculation of air-blower test is iterated , so the manual work is tremendous , algorithm function of MATLAB designed the programs which can handle the test data .

  12. 从音乐信号的硬件提取电路以及信号预处理的策略,基于MCU硬件的音乐节奏提取、干扰消除、输出能量控制算法等方面综合考虑,构建了系统的硬件系统和软件算法。

    Signal preprocess strategy , music signal extraction circuit , interference cancellation algorithm and energy output control algorithm are presented . Both the hardware and software algorithm are discussed .

  13. 本文应用动态时间规整(DTW)孤立词语音识别方法,实现了一个车载语音控制指令识别系统的软件算法部分。

    An improved algorithm DTW is used in this paper to realize the software part of vehicular speech recognition .

  14. 在VC中完成了基于OpenGL的轮廓重建显示模块。最后,经过对硬件平台和软件算法的测试,并通过三维轮廓重建实验,验证了本系统的功能和准确性。

    Profile reconstruction show module based on OpenGL is also compiled in VC + + . Finally , after hardware and program test , three-dimensional profile measurement experiment is completed .

  15. 软件算法方面,系统采用传统的快速付立叶变换(FFT),对采集的电压和电流信号进行频谱分析。论文中还详细分析了信号的采样问题,以及信号的数字滤波问题。

    The concepts of filtering and sampling power system voltage and current signals for harmonic analysis using the fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) algorithm by a digital signal processor are introduced .

  16. Shear-Warp算法是目前公认的最快的体绘制软件算法,所以本文的主要对Shear-Warp算法进行了深入的研究和探讨。

    Shear-Warp algorithm is considered as the fastest software for 3D direct volume rendering .

  17. 本文设计实现了船舶导航雷达系统的数字信号处理模块,重点研究了数字信号处理模块的软件算法,给出了DSP系统的软件实现方案。

    Based on DSP and embedded techniques , this paper mainly describes a design of DSP module of marine navigation radar system . And the software algorithm design and system design of DSP module is the emphasis of the paper .

  18. 三相电测量采用交流采样技术,软件算法采用快速傅里叶变换FFT,全面克服了以前的三相电参数测量方法普遍存在的实现电路复杂以及在功能和精度上的不足。

    The method measuring electrical parameters is based on AC sample technology , the FFT way is used in software design , so the design of circuit , the function and the accuracy is fully improved .

  19. 对FIFO及控制器、FIR滤波器、FFT计算模块在FPGA平台上完成软件算法硬件化设计、仿真试验分析,并与采用软件算法在不同平台下的实现进行了比较分析。

    On FPGA platform , accomplished the design and simulation of FIR digital filter and FFT calculation , FIFO & controller module and then compared it with what is design purely of software in several platforms .

  20. 根据SF6断路器运行过程中的实际情况,设计了相应的硬件电路和软件算法,以期较为准确地对带电运行状态下的SF6断路器进行在线监测。

    According to the practical operation situation of SF6 circuit breaker , the hardware circuit and the software arithmetic are designed to intend to accurately monitor the SF6 circuit breaker in service .

  21. 平调手台设备中发送FFSK信号的软件算法

    Software Arithmetic of Sending FFSK Signal in Portable Shunting Unit

  22. 传统的变压器保护通过改变TA接线补偿其接线组别产生的角度误差,微机保护则靠其强大的计算能力通过软件算法实现内部补偿,从而对TA接线型式无要求。

    Digital protection is deploying its strong computation ability in software algorithm to achieve inter-compensate , while in traditional transformer protection , compensating the angle error created by connection is achieved by changing TA connection type .

  23. 阐述了图像采集系统的工作原理,以及CPLD芯片、双口RAM存储器的具体操作方式.介绍了运用浮动阈值算法进行图像相关,进而从背景图像中识别出小目标的软件算法。

    The principle of the system and the operating method of CPLD , double ports RAM chip are introduced , and the software algorithm of recognizing a small target from background image by applying floating threshold value between correlative images is presented .

  24. 在软件算法设计方面,重点主要讨论了话音信号和PTT信号处理流程以及FFT处理器的算法结构、FIR陷波滤波器结构、阈值检测、稳定算法等相关算法。

    In the software design of algorithm , focusing mainly on the signal processing algorithm both the PTT control signal and voice signal , and the FFT processor structure , FIR notch filter structure , threshold detection , stable algorithm and other related algorithms .

  25. 论文的软件算法部分主要包括最小均方误差解调(LMSD)、数字滤波器设计、闭环控制。

    Algorithms in this dissertation contain LMSD ( least mean square demodulation ), digital filters , control loops and transmission protocol .

  26. 本文以RFID和DGPS技术为基础,对系统硬件进行了构筑和选型,对系统软件算法进行适当的改进,使该系统更适用于铁路编组站的应用。

    In this paper , it makes a construction and type selection direct to system hardware , and appropriate improve for software algorithms , depend on RFID technology and DGPS technology , to make the system more suitable for the application of the railway marshalling yard .

  27. 第二部分介绍了CCS开发环境,介绍了COFF格式的可执行文件的生成。第四章是软件算法部分,研究了JPEG算法。

    The second part introduces the CCS development environment and the making of executable files in COFF format . The fourth chapter is the arithmetic part and it deals with the JPEG arithmetic in detail including the structure of the coding system and the steps of coding .

  28. 本文论述了一种新型电量变送器WDB-1型微机变送器的工作原理及软件算法和硬件结构,该电量变送器突破了传统的时间分割式和霍尔效应式的处理方法,而采用了直接交流采样的处理方法。

    This paper describes the working principle of a new - kind of electric transducer , WDB-1 micro-computer watthour transducer , its software as well as its hardware . A direct alternating sample disposing method is used in this transducer instead of the traditional time-cut and hall effect method .

  29. 输出设备特性文件制作软件算法模型研究

    Research on the Algorithm Models of Output Device Profile Software

  30. 系统的软件算法分为目标检测和目标跟踪两个部分。

    The software algorithm has target detection and target tracking .