
  • 网络Software devices;Software Appliance
  1. 要想以软件设备的形式分发多层的服务,就需要由多个VM组成的复杂的虚拟设备,其中的VM应该能够互操作。

    Distributing multi-tier services in the form of a software appliance requires a complex virtual appliance composed of more VMs that are able to cooperate .

  2. 所谓软件设备,实际上就是一个完整的应用栈,包括操作系统、应用软件、所需的任何依赖以及与操作相关的配置与数据文件。

    A software appliance is a full application stack containing the operating system , the application software and any required dependencies , and the configuration and data files required to operate .

  3. 向TivoliProvisioningManager注册每个软件设备中包含的软件应用程序。

    Registering the software applications contained in each software appliance with Tivoli Provisioning Manager .

  4. 软件设备以文件的形式出现,该文件可以是虚拟机映像、ISO、USBkey映像或是AmazonEC2AMI。

    Software appliances come in the form of a file which can be a virtual machine image , an ISO , a USB key image , or an Amazon EC2 AMI .

  5. 蠕虫还可以通过病毒、rootkit或其他修改系统的软件设备交付负载。

    A worm can also deliver a payload in the form of a virus , a rootkit , or some other software device that modifies the system .

  6. 这对安全性要求极高的环境的JPPF部署敞开了大门,使之无需再部署复杂的硬件/软件设备。

    This opens the door to the deployment of JPPF in heavily secured environments , without having to deploy a complex hardware / software infrastructure .

  7. 这类软件设备最适合运行服务端应用。

    Such software appliances are best suited to run server applications .

  8. 监控软件设备驱动程序编制原理与实现

    The Programming Principle and Implementation of Device Driver in Monitoring Software

  9. 基于COM/DCOM的组态软件设备驱动程序开发

    Development of Device Drivers in Configuration Software Based on COM / DCOM

  10. 嵌入式组态软件设备通讯子系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of the Device Communication Subsystem for Embedded Configuration Software

  11. 虚拟设备是软件设备传输的相对较新形式。

    Virtual appliances are a relatively new form factor for the delivery of software applications .

  12. 现时我公司拥有自己公司全方位、全工序的生产管理模式,先进的硬件设备以及人才软件设备。

    At present , we own all-direction and complete cycle production management mode , advanced hardware equipment and talent software equipment .

  13. 软件设备是预先配置的磁盘映像,包含一个应用程序、中间件、数据库和精简的操作系统。

    Software appliances are preconfigured disk images containing an application , middleware , a database , and a minimal operating system .

  14. 由计算机制造厂商提供的一些硬件和软件设备,用以支持开发用某种特定语言编写的程序。

    Hardware and software facilities supplied by a manufacturer to assist in the development of programs written in a particular language .

  15. 与传统的硬件设备不同,这些软件设备让客户能够轻松地购买、部署和管理预先集成的软件组合。

    Unlike a traditional hardware appliance , these software appliances let customers easily acquire , deploy , and manage pre-integrated solution stacks .

  16. 介绍了地铁环控系统的特点、组成、硬件和软件设备。

    The features and configuration of mass transit environment control system ( ECS ) and also it ′ s hardware and software are introduced .

  17. 此系手机的出现是无线通讯领域一次飞跃性创新,这款小巧时尚轻便的手机集合了先进的硬、软件设备和网络技术。

    They represent a major leap forward in wireless innovation , elegantly integrating advanced hardware , software and network technologies in a thin , stylish , lightweight handheld .

  18. 本文对计算机管理图书流通工作中的系统软件设备和数据质量问题加以分析,提出了相应解决措施。

    This paper analyses the problems in books circulation , which are caused by the system software equipments and the quality data and proposes the countermeasures to solve them .

  19. 这些系统可以是硬件或软件设备,它们能够监控跨越网络对服务器的访问、来自服务器的访问以及服务器自身的活动。

    These systems are hardware or software devices that can help you monitor access across the network to and from your server as well as activity on the server itself .

  20. 应用厂商需要提供用户能够轻松运行起来的软件设备,而不是仅仅提供应用本身以及一大堆安装说明书。

    The application vendor will provide a software appliance that is easily booted up instead of providing only the application and a large set of instruction on how to set it up .

  21. 提出一种基于COM/DCOM组件技术开发监控组态软件设备驱动程序的方法,通过改善设备驱动程序的可靠性和可扩展性,以提高整个组态软件的运行效率。

    This paper introduces a method of designing device drivers for the configuration software based on COM / DCOM component to enhance its credibility and extensibility and improve the efficiency of the whole systems .

  22. 该软件设备驱动须基于接口规范ActiveDLL行编程,包括:数据采集卡驱动开发、生成源程序框架、修改和编程、测试和挂接。

    The device driver of MCGS was programmed according to interface criterion provided by the software itself , including : the driver of data acquisition card , creation of source code frame , modifying and programming , testing and hanging .

  23. 为此业界针对3G的无线信道推出了各种仿真软件和设备。

    Therefore some enterprises have developed software and equipments for wireless channel simulation .

  24. 包含软件的设备管理器从设备读取信息,并使用Web服务将信息传输到远程监控服务。

    The Device Manager contains the software , reads information from the device , and translates it , using Web services , to a remote monitoring service .

  25. 详细介绍了一种基于COM组件技术的组态软件I/O设备驱动程序的设计方法。

    One method based on COM to design I / O device drivers for configuration software is detailed proposed .

  26. 利用AutoCAD软件设计设备各部分的装配图及零部件图。计算并校核各受力零部件的尺寸。

    Various assembly diagrams and all parts and elements diagrams can be done by AutoCAD , the sizes of forced parts are calculated and checked .

  27. 化工实验教学的改革与探索运用网络多媒体开发工具Flash实现化工实验装置及操作过程仿真,完成了化工实验仿真软件的设备动画和操作部分。

    Reform and Practice of Chemical Engineering Experiment Teaching The chemical engineering experiment equipment and operate process were developed with Flash , The characteristics of Flash were introduced .

  28. 但是目前已有的USB设备所配备的访问与控制软件和设备驱动都是应用级的,用户无法做二次开发使用。

    But the access and control software of the USB equipment were only used in application level , and the consumer can 't do the second development .

  29. 结合该模型,从应用系统的不同层次,详细分析了CIMS的功能组成、信息特点以及方法/模型、人员/机构、软件和设备等。

    And the composition of CIMS at different levels , including function , message , method and model , software and equipment are discussed .

  30. 指定应用程序域并不能防止管理软件轮询设备级指标,如设备加载、CPU利用、内存指标以及环境统计数据。

    Specifying an application domain does not prevent management software from polling device-level metrics such as device load , CPU utilization , memory metrics , and environmental statistics .