
ruǎn ɡǔ jié hé
  • synchondrosis
  1. 目的评估蝶枕软骨结合发育的高分辨率CT扫描所见。

    Objective To evaluate the development of the sphenooccipital synchondrosis on high resolution CT scans .

  2. 蝶枕软骨结合完全闭合的186例中,可见不规则白线残迹的91例,其中13例蝶窦超越部分白线累及枕骨;

    In 186 completely closed cases , a vestige of the synchondrosis was observed as an irregular white line in 91 cases . In 13 cases of them , some part of the sphenoid sinus extended into the occipital bone beyond the vestige .

  3. 肋骨和软骨结合处发炎。

    Inflammation at the junction of a rib and its cartilage .

  4. 如果鼻中隔软骨结合合成材料可以取得肋软骨植入同样的美学效果,减少创伤。

    If the septal cartilage with synthetic materials can obtain the same aesthetic effect in the shape of the nose and reduce damage .

  5. 体征、症状中的疼痛与B超膝关节软骨改变结合,可以较好地诊断髌骨软骨软化症。

    Both the symptom and sign Of knee joint and changers in knee joint cartilage On the ultrasonic image can better diagnose chondromalacia patellae .

  6. 目的:探讨兔下颌持续功能前导后髁突软骨中核心结合因子α1(CoreBindingFactorα1,Cbfα1)蛋白的表达及与髁突改建的关系。

    PURPOSE : To identify the relationship between the expression of Core binding factor α 1 ( Cbf α 1 ) in condylar cartilage and condylar growth modifications in growing rabbits following forward positioning mandibles with functional appliance .

  7. 本实验中脱细胞软骨支架复合细胞结合微骨折修复能力及修复效果均最好,提高了微骨折的修复效率。

    This experiment combined acellular cartilage repair capacity of MSCs with microfracture and repair are the best , improve the efficiency of microfracture repair .

  8. 结果颅内软骨瘤主要发生在颅底软骨的结合处。

    Results Most of intracranial chondroma were located at the position of junctura cartilaginea of basicranial skeleton .

  9. 结论3D-FS-SPGR序列对膝关节软骨的检查较其他序列有着明显的优势,更容易发现软骨病损,结合三维重建技术能为临床诊断与治疗提供更多的信息。

    Conclusion 3D-FS-SPGR sequence has significant advantage compared with other series in detecting articular cartilage of knee and also provides much information adding to 3D reconstruction of cartilage .