
lú qián wō
  • Anterior cranial fossa;fossa cranii anterior
颅前窝[lú qián wō]
  1. 脑神经肿瘤发生在特定部位,大部分有特征性MRI表现:嗅神经肿瘤多位于颅前窝,呈分叶状;

    Most of cases had following characteristic MRI findings : olfactory nerve tumors were often located at anterior cranial fossae and appeared as lobulated mass ;

  2. 结果24例颅前窝骨折,其中横断面显示骨折9例,MPR显示骨折24例,SSD显示9例;

    Results In 24 cases with anterior fossa fractures , 9 cases were found by axial scanning , 24 cases by MPR , 9 by SSD .

  3. 颅前窝骨折并发鼻出血的救治分析

    Analysis on diagnosis and treatment of anterior fossa fractures combined with nosebleed

  4. 经颅前窝底入路切除副鼻窦及眶内病变

    Transcranial resection of the paranasal sinus and intraorbital lesions

  5. 经额窦额部开颅在颅前窝和鞍区肿瘤中的应用

    Application of trans-frontal sinus frontal craniotomy for anterior cranial fossa and sellar tumors

  6. 经眉弓锁孔入路治疗颅前窝小病灶的临床应用

    Application of the via supraorbital keyhole approach in the treatment of small anterior fossa lession

  7. 采用该入路切除鞍区及颅前窝底肿瘤23例。

    23 cases of sellar region and anterior fossa tumor were removed via this approach .

  8. 目的总结手术切除颅前窝内外沟通性肿瘤后颅底重建的方法。

    Objective To summarize the methods for skull base reconstruction after resection of the tumor communicating the intra-and extra-anterior skull base tumors .

  9. 于鼻内镜下寻找漏出部位,发现位于颅前窝3例,位于蝶窦3例。

    By transnasal endoscope the leak sites were separately found in anterior cranial fossa , 3 cases ; and in sphenoid sinus , 3 cases .

  10. 肿瘤分别位于颅前窝、岩部、矢镰旁,最大直径7.1 ̄9.6cm,均由多支颈内、外动脉分支供血。

    The tumors located variously at the anterior cranial fossa , petrous pyramid or para-sagittal sinus . The diameter ranged from 7.1 to 9.6 cm .

  11. 方法采用经眉弓锁孔入路手术切除7例颅前窝小病灶,讨论其临床解剖和手术效果。

    Methods 7 patients with small anterior fossa lession were operated trans-supraorbital keyhole approach , retrospective analyses were done on clinical anatomy and outcome of this approach .

  12. 目的:填补国人嗅神经、嗅球和嗅束的形态学资料,为鼻腔顶、颅前窝手术提供保护病人嗅觉功能的解剖学依据。

    Objective : To Provide morphological data of olfactory nerves , bulb and tract of Chinese to protect olfactory function in the operation of nasal cavity roof and anterior cranial fossae .

  13. 侵犯颅前、中窝泪腺肿瘤的临床研究

    Clinical study of lacrimal gland tumor involving anterior and middle cranial fossae